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RE: Don't Beat The Child Because You Can; What Leadership Is and How To Handle Power

in #mentorship7 years ago

Strong points here, thing is we should know all these. This principles should be at least etched in our brains but look at the society we live in. An appointed politician is automatically a lord in his community and moves about with escorts and official details.

After his first tenure, he pays for our votes and again we put him back in the seat. Is it that we don't know how power drunk he is, of course we do. But poverty and illiteracy cloud our judgements. I personally think that until poverty and illiteracy is eradicated from the system, African countries will continue to have power drunk leaders.

Or how do you hold one accountable for his misdeeds when you don't even see it as a wrong. How do you not collect money from them, when you barely earn enough to eat?

Such is the predicament that has befallen these countries.