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RE: Don't Beat The Child Because You Can; What Leadership Is and How To Handle Power

in #mentorship7 years ago

As much as we blame the power possessors,there's a need to also allocate a portion of it to the many led ones who think being submissive implies being a doormat. Too many indiviaduals,for want of the crumbs that fall from these ones table,live basically as slaves of the power drunks. Sometimes,all that's needed is a bit of self-knowledge and esteem.


As much as we blame the power possessors,there's a need to also allocate a portion of it to the many led ones who think being submissive implies being a doormat. Too many indiviaduals,for want of the crumbs that fall from these ones table,live basically as slaves of the power drunks. Sometimes,all that's needed is a bit of self-knowledge and esteem.

I couldn't agree less with you, you just hit the nail on the head.