Reported from Wikipedia, mermaid story first appeared in the Ancient Assyrian era, about a goddess named Atargatis who changed his form into a mermaid because shame had killed her lover accidentally.
In Greek mythology, mermaids are said to always tempt the ignorant sailors, anyone who is tempted to meet his death.
Some records of testimonies of encounters with mermaids by ancient sailors are likely to be a mistake over the observations of these marine mammals.
Christopher Kolumbus declared that he had seen mermaids while exploring the Caribbean Sea, and reports of apparitions also existed in the 20th and 21st centuries in Canada, Israel, and Zimbabwe.
Mermaids are also associated with siren creatures in Greek mythology, as well as sirenia, the order of marine mammals composed of mermaids and sea oxen.
But in 2012, the National Ocean Service of the United States stated that evidence of mermaid existence was never found.
No, i don't believe
i think so @yura81
I think mermaids is only some mythical creatures believe or not just a legend
Many Russians believe in mermaids