you know me LOLL
I do people not wallets :D I tell people to do freewrites and now karaoke video's and by the way, WHERE IS YOUR Video?????? Hmmmmmm?
LOLL and yes, I had a great afternoon talk yesterday. <3 hugs
you know me LOLL
I do people not wallets :D I tell people to do freewrites and now karaoke video's and by the way, WHERE IS YOUR Video?????? Hmmmmmm?
LOLL and yes, I had a great afternoon talk yesterday. <3 hugs
And I am glad that something so good came out of all of this...
I am catching up lol I have been posting like a mad person. And barely can keep my posts from having major mistakes in it. Like today: I did the prompt - then checked all the players in - then did that post (with the wrong day in the title lol) , then did a fitness challenge wrap up post, all the while babysitting my son's dog and my own fat little bullet finding ways to escape (she was out 3 times!!!
Before that, I delivered the prompts to the Saturday crowd, went shopping with my husband so he doesn't have to starve (no chance - he can fast for many days LOL)
Then I wrote today's post in the 30 -day challenge, then yesterday's post. Now, I have to do the last Gratitude post (3 days late) Then, I either go to bed or work on the podcast. When the podcast is published - bad karoke - her I come. Even though I don't know how to spell it 😂 🤪
It did :D was thinking the same thing myself the last 24 hours........
and fine...............get to the karaoke which I only know how to spell because I have to spell it a million times LOLL and @simgirl taught me a trick in the spelling of it :D after you do all your REALLY important stuff LOLLLL