Merry Christmas 2020

in #merrychristmas4 years ago

Happy Sunday everyone... whilst 2020 hasn't been the year we all expected (or wanted), I hope that you were able to spend the past few days with your loved ones and in some version of 'normality' at this time of the year.

For me... I made what I could of the Christmas Day and then had a more 'social' Boxing Day.

I did exactly what I said I would on Christmas Day - I initially planned out my walk but unfortunately due to some local flooding - I wasn't able to follow through with the plan...


Instead I made a new plan - but still achieved my targeted distance of 10km 😁


The rest of the day pretty much panned out like last year... 😂
My dinner was tasty - and exactly the same as last year - but only 10 Yorkshire puddings instead of 12 😡 LOL


And... in case you were wondering... YES I did have my yearly bottle of Asti Spumante to celebrate 😁


The rest of the day was spent on the sofa (after the washing up of course), chilling with Christmas movies and other programs, and of course the nibbles (which consisted of biscuits, squashies and Maltesers) 😋
I had to stock up and keep it next to me at arms reach because the cat also decided to make himself comfortable and didn't move for a good few hours...


A fun day followed by a fun Boxing Day (of similar activities) spent with one of my close friends who also happens to be a work colleague...
A good 10km walk again, food and chill - but this time with the addition of joining in with their family Christmas quiz on Zoom 😃

What will next year bring?? Well - I'm tempted to keep a look out and go abroad for some winter sun for Christmas 2021 - is that wrong?? 🤷‍♀

Last few days of 2020 and I wonder what 2021 will bring - certainly some highs and lows but looking on the positive side of everything and keeping my main plans in sight!

Have a great last few days everyone - and I will see you in my next post NEXT YEAR 😂 x