Hello slowwalker - your first tag is not written right - meseum instead of "museum" - just for info
People can think about religion what they want, but i am totally convinced that we human beings are more then just our body. I never had a specific religion which I prefered, because I think in their core there is the same wisdom - RE-LIGIO - a reconnection. Buddhism was always important for me because of its kindness and much more.
In terms of the different dynasties, I am not so familiar with the history of Korea. It seems Wang Geon made the right choice to bring more peace to the country, but after reading his story I also have to admit, that it seems he was trapped to much in his ego, when he wanted to be seen as a Buddha. But I don't know how the history really was... just what I read.
All in all the statues are made wonderfully and with great detail! :-)