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RE: A post for my fellow fans of Metal...

in #metal8 years ago

The guy that posted this video (not music related) just out of the blue linked this to me on a blog that had nothing to do with religion. shrug

I don't know exactly how to answer this guy seriously:


Watched the video.... not even sure how to respond to it. Sorry if this offends anyone, but it's guys like him that make all Christians look like religious wingnuts who profess backwards psychobabble. Trying to connect Prince's death with some occurence in Princeton? Then going on to talk about how murders taking place have to do with different forms of possession and shit? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???? Yes, I believe possession is possible, given my spirituality, but that doesn't mean that all despicable actions of individuals point to possession every time. Goes back to something I've said before.... pinning your horrible choices on God or possession is just another scapegoat-inducing method of alleviating yourself of the responsibility over your actions. Not trying to be disrespectful to anyone, but if this man thinks he's making a point with all of this irrelevant ranting that he "pieced together", he is sadly mistaken. If anything, he's hurting his cause and making himself look more like an incompetent whack-job.