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RE: Metal keeps going and in the Metal Tree there is a New Wave of American Heavy Metal - [Metal Tree: 26]

in #metaltree8 years ago

That actually is a very good point. What I have also come to find, like yourself, is that there are very generally loose forms of criteria that determine what is and isn't metal, or what is metal and what is rock and what separates the two even though they are part of a similar musical family. Hell, I'm sure back in the day, Beethoven would have been considered metal compared to other composers at the time haha! But this all just brings it back to what I had said before, in that I suppose that how people define which genres from which is all relative, and has more to do with "truth of perception" rather than concrete criteria, guidelines, etc. But I certainly don't want you to take my input the wrong way, I genuinely and thoroughly enjoyed your post. I suppose I was just trying to make good conversation on the piece and see if I could get some outsiders' perspective, including your own. Always a pleasure to nerd out and talk music geek talk with a fellow music lover! :D


Agreed. I plan to do a branch on Neoclassical, and one on Djent, and I'm considering Folk and possibly Symphonic as well.