Cosmograms - A Model of Perceptual Reality

in #metaphysics7 years ago


Part A


Phenomenal qualities have intrinsic phenomenal properties in and of themselves. A certain sentience and certain feelings. Each property of these qualities is as different from one color to a sound. They play out their existence discretely and unbeknownst to us. As sentient entities, they have specifics of what it is like to be them.

Qualitative sensory data has phenomenal properties in the sense that the qualities they exhibit have an aboutness to them or something of what it is like to be them. It is inherent yet different in each entity which way perceive as forms of our senses. In the raw, they have intentions of their own subjective world, much like us, with a seeming intuition of how things ought to be or how they should play out and order themselves accordingly.

Also in their rawness as unprocessed, unmediated entities, they tend to the way of going by fluidly and assumingly to us, as they are and do things just so perfectly, that their efficacy allows for the dynamic unfolding behind all there is both to us and to the world arbor roar he. The qualities of life and nature are the nature and life of these qualities.


Qualities, as senses in our brains and minds perceive them to be most of the time, play out as being contained and subsumed within our conscious experience, when in fact, they are fragments which reflect the whole of mind. Like a hologram with one aspect shimmering and emulating the rest of the entire picture, a fragment of a quality is a whole mind in and of itself, contained as a singular bit of information to the whole of our mind.

That is to say that they are conscious not so much as we are, but in their confluence, These phenomenal qualities altogether add to what makes us conscious. As subtlety and minutely aware, the add together in the whole of our minds, allowing ourselves to have a phenomenal awareness that seems much more complex.

The entirety of a mind is bound to an experience of both the micro and the macro. They are a duality between macrocosm and microcosm. Micro in this sense meaning below our own scale and micro being the largest of scales. Tending towards both directional scales at once so as to remain without any momentum toward fully go in one way or another.

This is the middle way of a cosm, to exist as a whole of fragmented sentient entities capable of exhibiting qualities of an integrated whole as complex as a mind. As a whole of integrated fragments and as a fragment in an integrated whole, we are complimentary of the two aspects.


To the whole mind of being for a qualitative sensory fragment, we ourselves as a whole would be akin to our relative perspectives of what we perceive to be the macrocosm, or a much greater being to these qualities if they could perceive things in such a way which would be highly unlikely.

All fragments of qualities themselves may even be such a being to something fragmental further down the line which would be an integrated whole. It may scale up indefinitely and it may scale down indefinitely.

These qualities with their sentient feelings of what it like to be them can make no improper move, as to us, these qualities are incorporeal and are viewed as being fully automatic and deterministic. But that does not mean they lack any significance. Quite the opposite.

The intrinsic properties of a certain quality are so significant so as to be wholly incorporated into any one thing that they are not dismissed, but disregarded as having any significance as a singular fragment of something with other integrated qualities.

Sometimes just assumed to symbolize a thing or idea, phenomenal sentient qualities are actually what is being symbolized by themselves and are an expression of themselves. They are the signifier and the signified, but not the signal. What is symbolized by qualities is a mentality and it is this mentality which is a whole integrating itself wholly.

Part B

• Acceivics

To Acceive - Acception of something to be offered and received; "near receiving"; "towards getting"; "by accepting".

The Acceiver, the Acceived, and the Acceival

The Acceiver - That which has the ability to accept something offered to be received; e.g. brains, minds

The Acceived - That which is offered to be received before it is to be accepted; e.g. cognitions, mentations

The Acceival - That which is a process of accepting a received offer; e.g. thoughts, perceptions

• Modes of Accepting

Intended - When an acceiver is seeking after that of the acceived possibly before the offer is even received

Unintended - When the acceived is not sought out by the acceiver but is an offer received nonetheless

Extended - When a receivable offer reaches the acceiver without awareness of the acceival process

• The Acceival Process

In each occasional offer of the acceived is a certain quality and quantity of effect among the acceived and acceiver, dependant on the mode of accepting between them.

The quality and quantity of effect happen through the saliency of the offers, as is the selection in the mode of accepting.

Once the acceived is offered to be received but before it accepted, the acceiver - having an offer - may so become the acceived itself, cascading the effect of the initial acceived.

In the intended mode of accepting, there is accord between the acceived and acceiver, allowing for a flow in the acceival process. In the unintended mode, there is a calm, neither accord nor discord. And in the extended is an ebb in the acceival process, brought about by a discord in the saliently acceived.

• Extended Acceival and Perception

With a received offer to be accepted, depending on the properties of saliency, it may go by unnoticed by the acceiver. A single occasional offer of acceived that goes by unnoticed to the acceiver may cascade into further extended accepting of acceiver to acceived.

A cascade of ebbing can be seen in an acceiver as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts, flights of Ideas, loss of affect, and mania, to use current psychiatric terminology. It is the ebbing from where there once was a flow that causes an effectual discord in the acceiver, Where there was calm will be much less discord in the ebbing cascade.

• Cascades of Accord and Discord

When the acceiver quickly turns into the acceiver, you have a cascade towards discord in the acceival process. But it may also cascade - however slowly - into the flowing direction of an accord, to either an intended or unintended mode of accepting.

In the unintended mode of accepting, it is a slow-dripping effect from one direction or the other - from discord to accord or from in accordance to discord.

With the intended mode of accepting, the acceiver being in accord with the acceived, the cascade depends on the sought out saliency of the acceived to the acceiver.

• Summary

Acceiving has three aspects; the acceiver that incorporates quality and quantity from the acceived - which may be any form of qualia such light, sound, feel, thought etc. as a singular occasional offer - and the acceival, the process of flowing or ebbing from acceiver and acceived, dependant on the saliency of the offers to be received and accepted be each acceiver.

Part C

• Tripartite of Force

With two of the four forces – electromagnetic and gravitational – there are physical, yet immaterial fields which can become excited and appear to us as particles. These particles can further be excited so as to create other particles and/or waves. It may be the interaction between a given force’s field, the particles within that field, and the waves those excited states produce that underlies the state of subjective awareness or presentational immediacy.

Each aspect of a given force has a corollary to an aspect of which make up human beings. There is first the aspect of an underlying backdrop for existence, then a corporeal aspect of being in existence, and also a more ethereal, phenomenal aspect which supervenes on the first two.

• Fields as Souls

A field is possibly the most fundamental constituent of a force and anything above is just another modal manifestation of that very field. It is seminal to both particles and waves in that it is the seed of life to them both. Much like an open space for a physical landmass to exist and which may feature mountains and valleys, this open space is where the continents of contents form and play themselves out. Fields, also like souls in a way, exist before and after the life of the physical self and avoid annihilation as they extend indefinitely and are boundless. They also are what bind and partially integrate the other two aspects as a whole, which can then be capable of presentational immediacy.

• Particles as Bodies

Already taken to be akin the physical aspect of a being, these a particle is the corporeal part of the tripartite. This is where the excitations in a field take on a physical-like nature to them and have the eventual ability to create something as complex as a human body. As excitations of a field of force, they are not entirely separate entities but rather supervene and are embedded into the rest of the whole field. They are a coalesced localization of the ephemeral. Making up an organized, interconnected mass such as a brain or whole body, they provide the movements of cognition to the mind. Between the field and the wave.

• Waves as Minds

With the particles in the brain being the cognitive being, the waves those movements of cognition come in the form of a phenomenal mind, utilizing both the field/souls and particles/bodies. The mental aspect as well is not separated from the rest, but are what fully integrate the other two, so as to make use of the qualities provided by how the other two aspects interact with one another. The waves of mind integrate by exerting a force produced by the initial aspects back onto themselves and is phenomenal rather than an epiphenomenon. They are the intermediary aspect of the tripartite between body and soul.

• Aspects as Self-Enfolding Order

With the three aspects of force – field, particle, and wave – there is an ongoing adapting to the interaction between the three of them. A localized field reduces the coalesced level of entropy of the particles within that localization so as to permit a specific ordering of waves made by those particles to enfolding something complex as consciousness to show itself, whether it emerges or is fundamentally there from the get-go. Whatever way it happens, it unfolds from the enfolded ordering that comes with the right amount of entropy.

• From One Force to Another

Not limited to just the human self with its constituent electromagnetic tripartite of force, the rest of the universe may subsist on another scale with a gravitational tripartite of force in existence. Since the discovery of gravity waves, this could be so, but do the other forces, strong and weak, or even quantum fields have this potentially bound way of being to them as well? It may be too early in my speculation and/or the physical science of physics to tell. But with this being able to be transferred to a whole other and much higher scale, one can posit a being such as a planet or a universe to be quite like ourselves… potentially.


First Conceived Cosmogram

The first created cosmogram of the 64 made after a reading of Fritjof Capra's The Tao of Physics Art and Tao of Physics

There were two pivotal readings that set the course for the creation of these symbols, Art & Physics by Leonard Shlainand The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra. After a reading of these two books, it was seen that there may be a way for there to be parallels between one or area that relate to and inform other areas of understanding. The first symbol was just a way to relate the taijitu and a sine wave. Subsequently, it was the Tao Te Ching and the I Ching that really spurred the design and the entirety of the 64 symbols as a way to add meaning through symbolism behind any and all things within and without.

• Initial Versions of Descriptions

There have, before this site was established, three independent versions of the descriptions used for the symbol system. As it is rather difficult to translate from symbols to language, with many definitions permitted within the structure, the different versions have their own histories. The first ranged from "Toward Inward Wholeness Continuously With Completion" to "Away from Inward Emptiness Discontinuously Without Imperfection" and every combination in between those two ends. Those ones were created in the flow state and were more meant to describe synchronous events. The second reflected the I Ching in tandem with Hermeticism; "As Above With One Cause; So Below With One Cause' to "As Below With Many Effects; So Above With Many Effects" and everything in between. The final independent version was a correction to the original's latter half; "Towards Outward Wholeness Flowing Calmly with Order" to "Away from Inward Emptiness Ebbing Roughly with Disorder" and were meant to reflect the so-called "Cosmic Ocean".

• The Future Ideal

The optimal outcome for these would for the 64 symbols to have descriptions of literally everything and would be its own model of reality that incorporates whatever is here and there in the world and beyond. This is a huge, seemingly insurmountable task, but with initial foundation seems promising, It may be years, decades, or perhaps centuries until these may met their end, and by that time our understanding will be greatly improved. Until then, there may be an intermediary step towards a theory of everything that is all-encompassing. It's a lofty goal for sure, but a goal that, despite it's grandiosity, it may be surprisingly attainable. It depends on the interest, the effort, and everyone working together on these to have at least a partial understanding of whatever their area of understanding may be.
Hexagrams to Cosmograms

• The Aims and Goals

Seen as nothing but pure potential to work on and expand upon, the 64 cosmograms can have any relation the world as people so choose. They are meant to be the most generic of symbolism, so as to fit into science, art, philosophy, spirituality, or whatever field or domain of knowledge can be reached and fitted in with them. As they may be of any use, the first goal is to change and adapt the cosmogram's descriptions as they can pertain to anything. Help is and would be greatly appreciated in this endeavor.

• A Living Document

It shall be seen that the 64 cosmograms are up for everyone who wishes to contribute has a hand in changing the symbols, their descriptions, their purpose both present and future, and in what can truly be done with them. They are not for copyright but as something for everyone who wishes to work on to do so. They are from the world, of the world and for the word. If their scope is as limitless as assumed, the cosmograms may even be a tool, an art, a philosophy, or even just a game. It's all up to whoever, wherever, and whenever as to what they can be used for.

•As Cosmology

As a science that delves into metaphysics and even mythology, our understanding of the cosmos and how it plays out is always questioned and wondered about. It is the speculations and extrapolations of the cosmos that always leave us with questions; Is the universe cyclical? How did it begin? How will it end? What is possible and capable on the grandest scale of things. If the cosmograms can be reduced to the simplest, yet most far-reaching, of explanations, there should be even a little hint of knowledge they can provide and even just a hint could change the outlook on how we assume the cosmos to be.

•As Phenomenology

What is it like to be a bat? Or say a slime mold? How about an electron or photon? What functions and operations go on in the process of any entity? As anything out there has a set of relations, what are the most simplified of changes of those relations? It could be in how particles may experience and interact with the world, or something more relatable, like how we humans interact and experience the world at large. The phenomenology of the cosmogram symbols may also relate or bridge the gap between the universal macrocosm and the psychological microcosm.

• As Psychology

As these symbols can be grouped and divided into 4 sets of 16, there may be some similarities to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The relation to MBTI using the third set of descriptions has four unique symbols for each of the types based on their cognitive functions and the ordering of those functions:

• The Cosmograms and MBTI

If the symbols have an explanatory depth as they should have, there should be some possible merit to them relating to other concepts, including those of psychology. As they expand in their breadth and depths on an explanation of reality, more and more concepts may fit the cosmograms one day.

• Aspects of the Cosmograms

Quiddities (Fluid, Lucid, Vivid, Hybrid):

The quiddities, as in the inherent nature of each of the 64 cosmograms, are the most defining aspect of them, separating one cosmogram from another by the sheer quality it has. Having the features of flow or ebb and order or disorder, each of the four quiddities has an entirely different from any other one, with the exception of the hybrid quiddity.

Fluid (Flowing Order):

Out of the four quiddities, flowing order makes up the harmony and synchrony with the other cosmograms. Where there is fluidity, there is structural consistency and stability in what they make up. With this structure, there is also space for persistence through time and durability. Fluidity could be considered as the backbone of any experience or phenomena even if it goes by unnoticed, for when things go as they should, it is not out of order.

Vivid (Flowing Disorder):

The vivid quiddity behind each cosmogram is like a primitive feeling or emotion anything could experience. A certain loss of order can lead to a perturbed state of where things can start to have a noticeable difference of where there once was order. As it ebbs the ordered states can start to open up to the reorganization of a previously harmonious state. With there being an opening of what was encapsulated, new features may emerge.

Lucid (Ebbing Order):

Where a novelty of properties starts to show up in a given system of many cosmograms. Much like memory or reflection on the past, with disorder comes the opportunity for recollection of previous states of where there once was order. As an in-between state, until an order comes around again comes the potential for newer and perhaps better states to emerge when it does. As a cycle that repeats however often, the disorder in the cycle allows for adding more to it.

Hybrid (Ebbing Disorder):

With an ebb of disorder but before the order gets restored is the hybrid state. Taking on aspects of all three other quiddities, ebbing disorder can exhibit itself as uncertainty. Never quite fully chaos but also not yet ordered, there is much that would be unknown of this quiddities qualities. But in the process of ebbing comes the emergence of the features of these unknown qualities to take shape from their uncertain nature. Out of near chaos comes the most to yield.

Vitalities (Actuality, Ability, Capacity, Virtuality):

The four variations of vitality are respective to how the cosmograms appear to be, in how they exist. Each one is a step either closer to or further away from a real existence. Also, in how they appear to be, the cosmograms are never entirely non-existent, but rather of varying degrees of interaction with the other cosmograms. On one end, they may be deemed to be as real as an object, wherein the other end, they may be merely a hazy dream of an idea. A cosmogram's vitality makes it a thing in the cosmic ocean.

• Actuality (Calm Wholeness):

The actuality is the most compelling vitality of the four. It is what is considered to be what is real, solid, and objective in the world, although not necessarily true. Anything vitally drawn towards actuality is rather pragmatic and prudent in the world as actuality is something more tangible than anything else. That is because, with a calm wholeness, there is a stability to whatever may fit into what is tangible and can be relied upon.

• Ability (Rough Wholeness):

What any cosmogram is capable of achieving through its interactions with other cosmograms. Depending on the appended quiddity, this vitality of ability may be in a fugue state between actuality and virtuality, along with capability. It is what can be rather than what is to be. Less tangible than the prior, there is less rigidness and more malleable to anything that falls into or exhibits this vitality.

• Capacity (Calm Emptiness):

Being of emptiness, this vitality is also of something that isn't quite fully attained but is capable of potentially becoming. Nearer to virtuality, this aspect of some cosmograms is something that is more of a mental concept or idea rather than something external in the world around us. Anything that is capable of existing, however, may possibly be said to be real, at least in some minor sense.

• Virtuality (Rough Emptiness):

Considerably the most unreal of the vitalities, yet still being a part of the cosmic ocean, even if it is within the outer limits of perceptibility. The rough aspect of this one makes for any communication of the virtual seem otherworldly or delusional in some way. Although existent, whatever may be of this virtual vitality may seem not to be veridical. It may also cause upset or confusion if not applied to care.

Links for further interest:

All info:

Just the cosmograms, with descriptions:

Animated and meta version of the cosmograms: https://cosmeffect.con/animated


good article friend

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