you said: While this makes sense it contradicts with the bible's perception of God.
I say: how so?
God can intervene directly through miracles.
But thinking further about it, it does make sense as the bible/torah/koran are made up of rules and commands by God, even in times of war. Those commands (To Kill) were issued rather than God just doing it himself.
you said: We could have been created by a super know-it-all being or by a series of events and not directly but indirectly.
I say: Possibly, but are any of those as likely as that the underlying principle of the Universe is Intelligence?
Well , in a way , we are part of the universe but intelligence may have been something developed from learning and repetition; not that it existed from the beginning but eitherway the possibilities are endless. This may be a bit off but I would want to hope that there is other life out there in the univ or maybe they have already died out and we (plants and animals) are the last surviving species.
I think I got it now. God is Energy, that is all there is to it, the entire universe, everything is Energy. But I'd call it something else rather than the already establised God.
How do you know god is "perfect and all knowing"? If god was perfect and all-knowing, why did he create imperfection?
Doesn't "learning and repetition" require intelligence?
I'm just going off the conception of God from Monotheist religions, and not of my own perception. In fact, I have no perception. God is a non factor and because we have free will, we can not be used by God. We either follow the teachings/commandments in the religious books which were all crafted from a men thoughts.-or we don't. So helping each other remains our choice.
I'm not sure really, but I don't consider learning through repetition intelligence. Intelligence should be the ability to solve a problem without trial and error. The ability from already acquired trials and errors. It may be stored in our genetic code from our past ancestors. They may have had to start from 0. (No intelligence). Or life could have started from 0 intelligence and develop through trial and error each time, then problem solving information get stored and passed on as we learn.
It has to start at -infinity (not living/unable to learn), to neutral (0) (simple instructions acquired but unable to process information) to
Living(+infinity)(able to adapt, process, analyse, store and reproduce information)
Ps: I just made this up. ;-)
Same here. Not only that their is no evidence but belief systems do not correspond at all with reality. It is highly flawed which is why doctrines relating to a belief system change over time.
Intellgence started from nothing , built from scratch, like a computer programmed to follow instruction and now have evolved (not on their own ofcourse) to self-learning.
They are the building block of intelligence ;-)
90% of Everything I said above is mostly theoretical and should not be taken as factual ;-)
@cryptonfused wrote:
IMO, the key in what you said is; "not on their own of course" :-)
Further, how do you know (why do you think) "intelligence started from nothing"? Where is the evidence? Can you think of any other real world instance of something irrefutably coming from nothing?
Check my disclaimer above which states:
90% of Everything I said above is mostly theoretical and should not be taken as factual ;-)
Honestly it is hard to understand how something can come from nothing. But for this to not be possible, there should no beginning nor end. The creators of things need to be created by something which was created by something else,....... which was created by something else ........ ....... ........ ....... .....
..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... .... .... ..... ..... ...... ....... .
I understand these are just your opinions, same here. I am interested in that upon which folks base their opinions - that is how I learn of new thoughts/ideas/reasons and adjust my own.
To a reasoning person, someone's bare opinion without the reasoning behind it does them little good. In my opinion :-)
Yeah, some teachings call It (the Source of existence, "god", Universe, etc) the uncreate or the causeless (or prime) cause, unmoved mover, cause of cause, etc.
Even the experts dunno how the big bang banged itself ;-)
But I am unable, thus far, to think of anything REAL that definitively came from nothing. Nor can I think of any REAL that has beginning/end but no end/beginning.
Doesn't mean to me that it can't happen, just that there is NO good experiential evidence to support it.