HaHa! I knew that you are this type of guy :)
I currently read a book from Robert Anton Wilson "Cosmic Trigger" and I watched Lipton and Terence McKenna, Rupert Sheldrake, Alan Watts and Nassim Harramein for a good amount of time on youtube. I then left them but always come back to them. There is a certain fascination about the art of saying things.
Though I share the fascination with immortality and science fiction is full of it I ask myself if that is not only the case because death is still an enemy of the humankind which it cannot accept. But also, there is a great longing to have faith and to believe in something. Maybe our modern times ripped us off all symbolism in the C. G. Jungs approach of "collective memory" which kind of reminds me at Sheldrakes "morphogenetic field". I once had a conversation through email with him because I wanted to market the idea of telephone-telepathy and wanted his permission to use him as a reference. Unfortunately I found no programmer who works for free for an app of that kind. I even wrote an article here in my beginners time to finance it and to find people who support it. Still, it's a charming idea, I find. Here is the article:
If you are further interested, read an article of mine about the loving affairs between science and spirituality:
Only within the context of a belief system that frames it as such. ;-)
True. But would we not frame it as such we were more relaxed towards sickness and accept dying just so. I wonder if someone who is an "immortalist" can have a night watch and feel good about it sitting with a dead in a room.