Learn to interpret the Language of your Body

in #metaphysics8 years ago

Quantum Change Kinesiology works according to the principle that your body, as an extension and embodiment of ‘you’, shows you through physical conditions or pains how you are not in alignment with your utmost potential.

Your body is your physical cross-reference which shows you ‘where you are at’ within yourself and the location and nature of physical pains, experiences and conditions are specific indicators of the exact mechanisms and components of your mind that are out of alignment with your potential.

Whether you are experiencing pain in your back, feeling emotionally and physically drained or have a rash on your skin, your body is giving you a very specific message in a very specific language. QCK is the tool which assists you to interpret and understand that language.

In a QCK session, you are assisted and supported to ‘read’ the message your body is conveying to you through your physical issue, as well as map out and construct a road to change the misalignments which your body is revealing to you.

If you are interested or curious about how this works and what your body is communicating with you through a physical condition, then book your session on This Page or come check out our website at www.quantumchangekinesiology.com

Kim Amourette
Quantum Change Kinesiologist


Hi Kim, this is the most informative vid I've seen on Steemit all day - and I've seen a lot! I'm REALLY liking your longer formats too - spot on! Your such an intelligent woman with so much to give to those on Steemit with spiritual needs. May you Steem on forever!! UV/RS :)

Thank you for giving it a listen mindhunter. I always enjoy your supportive comments and feedback!

You've got all the components for Steemit Kim, all you need now is more STEEM POWER!!!

I want to know more, how can i?

Hi phranky, feel free to leave any questions you'd like me to answer here. There is also a lot of video and reading material about Quantum Change Kinesiology on our website. Though to really find out and grasp the uniqueness of QCK, I'd suggest to schedule a session. Usually a session works with a particular 'issue', which can pretty much be any issue you face in your life, and shows you which internal processes in your own mind are subconsciously contributing to the creation of the issue. If you don't have an issue, I use muscle testing to pinpoint your 'priority issue'. Your body and mind will essentially communicate with me through muscle testing which pattern you are living in your life right now that's not aligned with your utmost potential and how you can start changing it. If you're interested, you can schedule a session via this page (there's also the option to request a free sample session). Cheers! Kim