Chakras: Social Vibes, Physical Parallels, and Alternative Therapies

in #metaphysics7 years ago (edited)


Ever walked into a room that felt like pins and needles, or a sacred space feeling of peace? Humans vibrate seven particular energies that saturate spaces. Chakras form these dynamics. Chakras are reciprocal subtle energetic anatomy. I will write about chakra interaction between social vibes, physical parallels, and alternative therapies.

Social Vibration

Chakras interchange related energy. They function socially and form microcosmic anatomy. Seven chakras exist in a vertical column, along the spine, each an energy vortex. They each vibrate a separate category of consciousness, habitual behavior, intentions, and beliefs. Our social environments are subtly filled and impacted by these seven vibes. Through them, we share personal energy signatures with others and receive their particular energies on corresponding vibrational planes. Our polarity adds to the quality of exchange as we exist in energetic overture and reciprocity. The chakras create seven social vibes we experience with others.

Physical Parallels




The chakras exist along the spine and relate to anatomical features. The spine is the body’s information highway. It uses electrical and chemical messages. The electrical happen through the central nervous system. Sensory processes such as sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch are created electrically through the spine. Chemical hormones and enzymes happen as the spine engages the endocrine glands. Emotions, growth, metabolism, sex drive, sleep, digestion, and more occur through chemical hormones. Every vertebrae is important to particular body functions, the chakra locations parallel spinal health. These centers can become misaligned, impeded, open, closed, excessive or deficient. Chiropractic subluxation: manipulation, adjustments, and popping certainly help our health. Proper social vibes in their corresponding centers may help eliminate the causes of spinal problems.


The patterns inside the chakras influence the shape of the body, behavior, and nonverbal communication. Our body features have a tendency to grow in accordance with our personalities and thinking style. Repeated emotional expression can build muscles that reflect in our resting stance. Our proportions, shape, profile, and size all tell different stories that offer instant insight to our inside. What we are internally has external architectural patterns.

Alternative Therapies

There are several ways to communicate good vibrations into each chakra. How we consciously choose to live our life, habitually behave, self control, self deny, and self discipline commonly communicate the vibration patterns to be repeated in the chakras. Other options include but are not limited to:

Essential Oils

Color Therapy, Sound, Hypnosis, Crystals, Yoga Exercises, Breathing.

Chakras interplay with social vibes, physical parallels, and alternative therapies. They are subtle energetic anatomy that reciprocate energy. Our bodies and energies are talking about us. Our existence defines what they say.


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You should repost this on steemit, it should do better this time.