Hunting God: A HowTo, Day 6 - My feelings hide the light of the soul

in #metaphysics8 years ago
Day 6 - My feelings hide the light of the soul.

Visualize the earth on a sunny day basking in the rays of the sun. Then see times that storms arise with clouds, dust and mists that block the sun and turn the skies dark.

The earth is a symbol of you and the sun is the light of the soul. The storms are symbolic of your feelings.

This illustrates a truth that must be absorbed. No matter how often your feelings seek control and create inner storms that block the light, the light is always there and never fails – just like the sun continues to shine beyond the storms no matter how fierce they may be.

In the days of Jesus a great storm arose which blocked the sun and put great fear into the hearts of the disciples on the ship. They approached the Master exclaiming, “save us, lest we perish.”

He who had control over the emotions and had stilled them to perfect peace extended that peace and spoke to the out of control storm saying, “Peace … Be still.”

Had he not already spoken those words to his own feelings he would have had no power over the storm. The disciples had no power over the storm because their feelings were as disturbed as the storm itself.

To bask in the light of the inner sun the seeker must follow the example of the Christ and assume power over the emotions to the extent that he can command them to be at peace and to be still so they will not interfere with seeing the inner light.

Obtaining this power is not something the seeker will accomplish overnight, but it is important that he see the end result of this. If he knows that the reward is great then he will be motivated to become a master of his feelings.

Students who read this will be at various stages of mastery over the feeling nature, but all are subject to emotional storms that block the sun. Even Jesus allowed an emotional storm to manifest within himself as he chased the money changers out of the temple. This was not an unwanted storm but an example of right use of emotion. Nevertheless, in that state he could not have calmed the seas, but being a master all he had to do was withdraw and still himself again and in a short order he could have calmed the storm again.

Even so it is with us. No matter how advanced we think we are there are circumstances that can call forth powerful emotions. Sometimes it is right to allow them to manifest if the end is good. Usually it is best if they are controlled and remain still.

When your emotions are stormy for whatever reason it is important that you detach yourself from them, see yourself as the observer and speak to them saying, “Peace … Be still.”

In today’s assignment the seeker is to look within and examine his feelings and ask these questions.

Are all past storms within me stilled or are the waters still choppy? Are the winds still in motion and the sky yet overcast hiding the sun? Can a full-fledged storm beyond your control break out any moment?

Are you fearful about money, the political situation or some relationship? Do you hold hostile feelings toward another?

Tune into your feelings throughout the day and try to honestly assess their state and then say the words of Christ, “Peace … Be still.” Allow about ten seconds to lapse between the two affirmations.

After you say these words pay very focused attention to feeling the peace and the stillness.

Attempt to do this three or more times today.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Hunting God: A HowTo, Day 5 - I use my feelings; my feelings do not use me

NOTICE: Although posted here with permission of the author, I am not the originator of this content and should the originator eventually see fit to begin posting here, I will leave it to him.