The Metaverse
The metaverse has been a buzz word more and more in the past recent months. A lot of people have been talking about it the past couple of years. At first, I had no clue what this was. I figured it was some sort of platform or some individual project. I was unfamiliar with the term. So, I decided to read a few articles on the subject.
According to an article written by Alex Lielacher, “The metaverse is assumed to be the next phase of the Internet that will see the merging of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and extended reality (XR) with the real world.
In simpler terms, the metaverse can be viewed as a collection of virtual worlds that are interrelated, just like how the world wide web is a nexus of connected websites.”
An example, given in this article, to invest in this future innovation is Decentraland and its native token MANA. While recently, I’ve been unfamiliar with this term, I’ve actually been involved with and invested in projects associated to the metaverse for the past couple of years now.