Metaverse Blockchain uses the same UTXO model as Bitcoin. Therefore they both face the same problem, which is the increasing volume of blocks.
For Bitcoin the volume of each block is around 1MB and grows at a rate of around 1GB every week. Increasing block volumes leads to an increase in time and cost when establishing a synchronized block. Synchronizing the whole node is becoming extremely costly. The numbers of users who are willing to maintain a full node of bitcoin are decreasing.
In addition Metaverse consensus mechanism also follows the POW model of Bitcoin, therefore facing mining computing power centralization and 51% of computing power risk.
In terms of Bitcoin expansion, segregated witness will be introduced, which allows the division of signature segmentation and transfer process of Bitcoin. As trade signature will be put into a Merkel Tree the size of transactions will become smaller. Consequently Bitcoin will be able to hold more transactions without changing its size. Metaverse may adopt the same method to solve some of the issues it faces.
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