Metaverse is a public blockchain project that aims to provide decentralized services based on digital assets, digital identity and value intermediaries in order to build an open ecosystem in which digital value can be freely circulated. Detailed information can be found in our white paper
Fortnight in Review
Trading Platform
• Metaverse ETP is now available for trading on QBTC with no transaction fees.
• Metaverse ETP is going to be listed on TDAX on January 2018. TDAX is a Thailand-based digital asset exchange co-founded by Poramin Insom, who is also the co-founder of Zcoin.
• Light Wallet Development Progress
French support was added to the Metaverse Light Wallet on 21 December 2017. You may access the wallet at:
There are some issues that we are seeking help for. If you’re interested in helping to solve issues for light wallet, please check out the GitHub page:
• Metaverse full-node wallet
Upgraded to version 2.0 of the JSON-RPC API . It remains compatible with the old API.
The core team has been studying anonymity options for digital identities.
The interactive logic for digital identities has been designed.
Sorted out the stealth_address interface
Travis CI has been activated for the Metaverse repository.
Three MIPs have been activated on GitHub:
⎫ Adjust the reward rate of coinlock function.
⎫ [Digital Identity] Intergrate anonymity into metaverse.
⎫ [Digital Asset] Integrate Additional Public Offering into MVS Asset Issue.
The team enthusiastically welcomes discussion and contribution to these MIPs.
• Metaverse Official Website
In light of our fast-growing Korean community, Korean language support has now been added for Metaverse’s official website. The main Metaverse white paper as well as our digital identity white paper have also been translated into Korean.
Community Events
- Soliciting Articles
We’ve seen many videos and in-depth analyses about Metaverse and we believe that many more interesting perspectives have yet to be shared. As such, Metaverse has launched a long-running community event that will reward content creators – find the details [here]
Metaverse Foundation
• The Metaverse Foundation has established a strategic partnership with Acute Angle Cloud, a global distributed Infrastructure-as-a-Service platform. More details here:
• The Foundation has also established a bounty program. There are two types of bounties available: one is a developer bounty, while the other rewards community contributors. Read more about it here ( and participate actively!
Other information
• Bitcoin God, a project by Chandler Guo, will fork off the main Bitcoin chain at block 501,225. All ETP holders will have an opportunity to receive airdropped Bitcoin God, more details to be released soon.
• An updated roadmap from now till Q4 2018 has been released. If you’d like to know more about the direction of Metaverse’s development, please refer to the roadmap here (
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