The Metaverse Light Wallet Beta is live!

in #metaverse7 years ago

The Metaverse Light Wallet Beta is officially live as of today. This wallet provides a simpler and more convenient way to receive and manage one’s assets on the Metaverse Blockchain.

The Light Wallet has five key features:

  • Provides safe, convenient, simple and stable wallet services
  • Doesn’t require installation of a client – the wallet is accessible through the website
  • Doesn’t require the wallet to download the entire blockchain to send and receive assets
  • Supports import of private keys
  • Customizable user interface

The release of the Light Wallet provides investors with a much more convenient method of sending and receiving assets. Users who have not previously registered a Metaverse Wallet account may use the Light Wallet to register a new account, while users who already have an existing full-node Metaverse Wallet account can log into the Light Wallet using their account mnemonic.

The Light Wallet’s code is completely open source. In subsequent versions, to better cater to our users’ needs, the Metaverse Light Wallet will gradually provide more functions and language options as well as release an app.
Try Metaverse light wallet at:

The Metaverse Light Wallet was released for beta testing on 9 November, 2017. We would like to extend our thanks to the following users, who enthusiastically participated in the testing phase and provided invaluable feedback:
Blauni, Claudia, Deano,感悟人生,Elaine, Gordon, itachi, Johnwaltonvi, Jonathanlimwj, King Ramaldo , Mixterz, nedievas, pnbamania, Satya, Spencer, Stevey, Verma,小杨