...And let the controversy begin!

This is the essence of the #MeToo movement, and why it might prove to be the defining reason men lose their respect for women, and decide that the long-term risks of ever hiring a woman is just too great.
Angelus Domini of the International Congregation of Lord RayEl uses this recent headline as an example...
A young woman with a history of seeking out older married men for affairs, decides the President of the U.S. is attractive, and gets a job working for him... She then pursues a sexual relationship with him, of which she is very proud, so proud in fact, she decides to "collect and keep a souvenir of their relationship" in the form of a "semen stain on her blue dress"... Then she uses that dress to take down a presidency, and elevate herself to pop-stardom.
Monica Lewinsky single-handedly took down a presidency, and she claims to be the one with less power. Now, over 20 years later, Monica Lewinsky is changing her mind about whether the relationship she pursued and bragged about was "consensual"... In essence, she is now deciding that she was probably raped by President Clinton, since he had so much greater perceived power in society compared to her, and that because of the imbalance of power, whether she was willing or the instigator of the relationship is not relevant, thus, she is now the newest high-profile #MeToo victim activist.

So welcome to 2018, where "Yes" means "No!!!", and consensual sex becomes rape, if a woman changes her mind decades later.
This is just one of a growing list of examples that are coming out with the #MeToo movement, where just about any relatively attractive woman can claim they are the victims of abuse and earn nearly instant stardom, regardless of whether there was an actual injustice ever done!
Do you really think that anyone with half a conscious and even the slightest desire to keep up a positive media appearance was actually turning a blind eye on the 150 young girls and women over the course of decades? Anyone that gullible rightfully deserves to be throwing up the hashtag, because their minds just got molested by a cleverly-spun media frenzy drawn up by crazed women who want to literally remove men from the face of the earth, and make their fortune and fame off of a popular movement... And now that the best doctor in Olympic Gymnastics history is behind bars, I find it hard to imagine that anyone qualified would even think about performing Pelvic Physical Therapy on a single female athlete ever again.
Way to ruin an entire sport for America, Aly Raisman... Oh by the way, didn't you just participate in a lingerie ad-campaign for Aerie?
So let me get this straight, a woman's grand scheme for retaliation against being raped these days is now supposed to include showing it all in front of the camera, flaunting themselves in little pink panties, and plastering the photo-shoot all over the internet, where now billions of men around the world can stare them?... Of course, who wouldn't want to seek therapy for their trauma by posing in underwear ads?

So why would hoards of washed-up Olympic athletes, whose time in the limelight has come and gone, suddenly decide to all band together under a popular movement to create a media circus and earn a fortune off their TV appearances and commercials? ... Well, that kind of explains itself, doesn't it...
So if you're clued in to the nonsense found in all of these crazed alt-left movements in America, then this one shouldn't get very far past you... Time to wake up to the lies and deception that Satan is dosing out in carefully-wrapped packages with little bow ties.
Goos post
always success
This is extremely sad because those who do have injustice served to them may one day not be heard. They are crying wolf and most of them you can see through their pathetic lies.
This is disgusting.
It honestly makes me sick. I wouldn't be at all surprised if most of my Ex's are caught up in this movement either. Liars, hypocrites all of them. Their sins put on full display for the entire world to see.
Oye, they need to be brought down...
This is so sad....wow
Terrible, and their judgment will be harsh!