My trip to Mexico ALONE!

in #mexico9 years ago

i Had Just finished paying of my student loans and what better place to party other than Tijuana. Now while i pleaded with my friends to come party with me they were busy working. Obviously i went to Mexico alone. Mistake!. within 3 day i had found a con artist whom through a very effective ruse got me further south into Mexico before finally abandoning me with his aunt who spoke no English. After several day a man who spoke broken English was the best the señora could find to ask me why i was living in her house. I preceded to explain that i no long possessed my cell phone or my passport or even any money. nor did i have any knowledge of where i was which direction was home or even how to use the payphones so as to call for help. i was truly lost. she allowed me to live with here for a few weeks while we figured out how to get my paper work in order and how to get my parents to send me money.


Youre very bold

thank you for your kind words although i will definitely wait for my friends to schedule work leave in the future.