It has been long-term debate on whether animals have emotions.
Anyone loving an animal will usually quickly tell you that yes,
they do. they also feel love,joy,anger,fear,excitement,anxiety,
sadness depression etc. Recent studies in science have shown
that yes, they do.
Imagine, what would life be without emotions? emotions are a
state of consciousness that coincide with physiological changes.
Our emotions effect out mood and how we interact with our
environment. If we can better understand the emotions of
animals, we could be able to better treat behavior issues or
We see the dogs, pigs,parrots and many more. With most animals,
their parents teach them crucial,life survival skills at a young age.
Training is teaching and teaching is training!! learning is a form of
better form of communication and better communication results
in building a better relationship with that animal and that animal
with us.
SO I am asking for your point of view about your PETS??
comment below and let us know about it....thank you....
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so cute.Animals have emotions and I believe so.