Why do we snore ?

in #mgsc7 years ago (edited)

IMG-20180727-WA0007.jpgSnoring is noisy rattling sound occurring during sleep. Snoring occurred to obstruction of air in our respiratory track during breathing. When we breathe we take in air through nose or mouth into lungs.
Normally when we are not asleep , our mouth parts like soft palate and uvula keep this tract wide open to allowing air to pass through it. However, excess growth of soft palate causes snoring.
So when these people sleep,these part fall on the back of their throat , obstruction. Hence ,when they inhale air hits these parts making them vibrate,which we hear as snoring.


Great info. How to remove habits

Drink water bro as much u can..

Very useful info please keep on posting more stuff about working of our body

Sure bro , thanks for reading ..

good job please share this type more information blog and news
read this high viral news

topic name - Tips To Boost Your Confidence Online


Sure bro , keep in touch ..

nice post @abhishekhtechguru, now i actuallu know why people snores. nice job.

Thanks a lot bro , keep in touch

hey interesting topic my friend something new i learn from your blog so thanks for sharing with us :)

Thanks a lot for reading , keep in touch bro

yeah big brother :)

Can we call this as disease?

it's a habit only

#abhishektechguru Is there any solution to not sore during sleeping?

Yes drink more water as u can..

@ abhishektechguru how to permanently stop snore?

By breathing exercises bro

Informative. Give some remedy information also. Also, I wonder when we are tired and fall asleep, then also we snore?

Do breathing exercises and drink water bro ,keep in touch

Thanks for the tips, sure.

Tension free sleeping

Yess .. snoring occurs due to obstruction in breathing ..

Nd there is a clip kind of product is available in market .. which clips our nose nd snoring can be stopped

Posted using Partiko Android

That's true bro it could be avoided ...

Actually no one knows why !!!

Only you don't know , else everybody knows bro

Bro it's the reason behind snoring not the cause !!!

Posted using Partiko Android

My father is snore when he sleeping too :)