)Microwave Popcorn
It contains diacetyl. This fake butter flavoring compound actually causes serious lung diseases.
2)Canned green beans
Canned green beans are consistently contaminated with some of the most dangerous pesticides.In fact, eating just one serving of green beans a day is “high risk,” due to the toxicity of the pesticides typically used on that crop. Because those chemicals tend to be far more toxic than others.
- Tomato Sauce
Never buy a tomato sauce from market.Instead try to make your own at home, because the store stuff has a ton of sugar.
- Margarine
Trans fats are used in margarines.And we know trans fats are responsible for about 50,000 fatal heart attacks a year. Trans fat also increases risk of developing type II diabetes.
- soda
One can of soda is like a can of water with 9-12 packer of sugar in it. And we know that the recommended amount of daily sugar for a person is 24 grams and soda has way more than that.
What a delicious resipe you tell in this seems verytasty and health
Yes sir..all my blog are on base of health