Possible go to Mars
Max supply 100,000,000,000 XRP
Circulating Supply 39,244,312,603 XRP
Total Supply 99,993,093,880 XRP
Average Value per XRP $0.55
Max supply 21,000,000,000 ETN
Total Supply 7,165,394,367 ETN
Average Value per ETN $0.015
XRP's current value is the perfect answer to all the great Mathematicians who are claiming that ETN will never go above 10 cents again because of its huge supply.
With such a huge supply XRP value grew from 0.08 cents to 3.50 $ high time within last 6 months. Imagine what ETN can do with much lesser supply & bigger demand.
nice information. i started to follow you and you can follow me we can help each other. thnx in advance
Yes brother. I started to follow you