We all want to have sparkling and healthy teeth.It not only enhances our personality ,it also make us more confident socially so that we can smile and laugh without any hesitation.There are lots of homemade effective remedies which could help us to achieve healthy and sparkling smile.
1.Toothpaste,Sea Salt,Baking Soda and Lemon Juice- This can be called as super remedy as it is super effective and last quite a long time.Mix one tablespoon of toothpaste a pinch of sea salt a bit of baking soda and four to five drops of lemon juice in a bowl.Brush your teeth with the mixture for four five minutes and see the difference in just one use.This combination gives both acidic and alkaline treatment to teeth and its very potent so use it once in two months.No need to overdo it as it can be harmful.
2.Activated Charcoal-It is the easiest and inexpensive home remedy .Charcoal contains anti-oxidant properties which helps in removing toxins and stains of tea, coffee and consumed food.Crush up one charcoal tablet into a powder dip your clean wet toothbrush into it and brush your teeth .It naturally whitens and lightens the teeth 3 shades.
3.Powdered Milk and Toothpaste-Milk contains calcium and phosphorus which supports re-mineralization of enamel. Just increase diary product on your diet or put some powdered milk over toothpaste and brush your teeth.Do it twice a week.It will make your teeth strong and shine like a pearl.
4.Baking Soda and Lemon Juice-Put a pinch of baking soda on toothbrush and then add a few drops of lemon juice over it to get a set of bright shinny teeth.Don't use it more than once a week.It removes surface stains from teeth making them way wider.Lemon contains vitamin-c which lightens teeth.Lemon has also anti-bacterial properties which kills micro-organisms in mouth and improves oral health.
5.Baking Powder and Lemon Juice- Mix a teaspoon of baking powder and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and brush teeth with the paste and see the result in 2 minutes.Don't do it more than 2 minutes because it will damage enamel.
6.Sea salt Lemon Juice and Toothpaste-Mix half a teaspoon of sea salt and some freshly squeezed lemon juice with a small amount of toothpaste in a bowl.Apply mixture to your teeth and leave it for a minute before rinsing your mouth.Sea salt has loads of important minerals like calcium,magnesium and iron among others.It has anti-bacterial properties which freshens your breath and protect your enamel.
7.Apple Cider Vinegar and Water-Dilute half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and use this every morning before brushing your teeth.Do it once a week.Apple cider is powerful cleansing and disinfecting agent which removes stains and kills all the bacteria in the mouth.
8.Strawberry-Take a ripe strawberry and mash it up with a spoon.Brush your teeth with the paste for a few minutes to get rid of yellow stains. Do it once a month. Strawberries are acidic helps in whitening teeth.There is other way of doing it too.make a mixture of strawberry and baking soda.Mash up one strawberry at half a teaspoon of baking soda , stir them nicely .dip your your toothbrush into the mixture and brush your teeth.Leave it for 5 minutes and then rinse it out.Do it twice a week.
9.Oranges-The peel of oranges helps in whitening teeth. Don't throw oranges peel after eating it ,instead use it by rubbing it all over your teeth, leave it for few minutes and then rinse your teeth and then see its effect.You can also rub it on your teeth and leave it for whole night and then brush your teeth in the morning.
10.Lemon Juice and Water-Mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water will help restore whiteness to your teeth and completely disinfect your oral cavity.Take one teaspoon of water with one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.Brush teeth thoroughly with the mixture and then rinse properly.After that brush your teeth again this time with your regular toothpaste. Do it once a week.
Hope it help you in getting your set of lightening white teeth.Write on comment section below about more home remedies for getting sparkling teeth if you know.
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