Indian Army is the branch of the Army's land-based party and it is the largest body of Indian armed forces. The President of India is the Chief General of the Army, [6] and its command is in the hands of the Chief of the Army Chief, who is a four-star general level officer. Field Marshal's rank with a five-star rank is the formal position of the highest honor in the Indian Army, so far only two officers have been honored with it. The emergence of the Indian army came from the East India Company, which was converted into British Indian Army, and the army of Indian states, which culminated in the form of a national army after independence. The Indian army's troops and regiments have a wide variety of history, it has participated in many battles and campaigns across the world, and earned a great number of war honors before and after independence.The primary objective of the Indian Army is to ensure the unity of national security and nationalism, to protect the nation against external attacks and internal threats, and to maintain peace and security on its borders. It also runs human rescue campaigns during natural calamities and other disturbances, such as operation sun hope, and government can also be requested to deal with internal threats. It is a major part of the national power with the Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force. [8] The army has so far fought four wars with neighboring Pakistan and a war with China. Other major campaigns by the Army include Operation Vijay, Operation Meghdoot and Operation Cactus. Apart from the conflicts, the army has operated many big missions, such as Operation Brassstacks and Warfare Practice Knights at the time of peace. The army has also been an active participant in UN peacekeeping missions in many countries, including Cyprus, Lebanon, Congo, Angola, Cambodia, Vietnam, Namibia, El Salvador, Liberia, Mozambique and Somalia.
There is a regiment system in the Indian Army, but this basic area is divided into seven commands with operational division and geographically. It is an all-volunteer force and has more than 80% of the country's active defense personnel. It is the world's second largest permanent army, with 1,200,255 active soldiers [9] [10] and 909.60 reserve soldiers [11]. Army has started the modernization program of the Army, known as "Futuristic Infantry Soldier as a System", along with it is also collecting and improving new resources for its armored, artillery and aviation branches. is..Important information about the indian armyIn India, the army was established in 1776 by the East India Company.
But the establishment of Indian Army was soon after India attained independence in 1947.
Its headquarters are in the country's capital, New Delhi.
Indian Army's control and operation is done by the Indian Ministry of Defense
Indian Army is the second largest army in the world
Field Marshal's position in the Indian Army is considered the highest
This is an honorary post which is provided by the President
So far 27 people have been Army Chief
India also has a very large cavalry
Indian Army's Siachen glacier is the land of war on the highest point of the country.
During the Second World War, the largest expansion was done by 93,000 Pakistani soldiers in front of the Indian Army.Indian Army - Rank and Recruitment ProcessWhen it comes to war and peace, it comes to the national service, then only one institution comes forward to our eyes and it is the Indian Army. On the strength of its impressive performance, the Indian Army is the third largest army in the world, with 13,25,000 active soldiers and 21,43,000 reserve soldiers. More than one lakh candidates annually apply for GD (General Duty or General Services) and thousands of candidates apply for a commissioned rank.
Commissioned officer of Indian army
Rank-field martial
Icons: Political Symbols on a Cross Batten and Feeding Lotus
Field Marshal is the highest rank of the Indian Army. This is a formal and warlike rank. Only two military officers have been promoted to this position in nearly seven decades of India's history. One is Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw and the other is Field Marshal KM Cariappa.
Identity: A national symbol, a cross-batten and saber on either side of a five-edged star.
After the honorary rank of Field Marshal, it is the highest rank of any military officer. Only the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) can achieve this rank.
Current Officer-General Dalbir Singh, COAS
Retirement - Three years or 62 years of age on COAS, whichever is earlier
Rank-lieutenant general
Identity: National Symbols on Cross Baton and Saber
Lieutenant General is elected (after being in the commissioned service for 36 years) and he can also hold the post of Vice Chief of Army Staff or Army Commander.
Retirement- At the age of 60
Rank-major general
Identity: A five-edged star on Cross Baton and Saber
By promotion selection at the Major General post (after getting the commissioned service for 32 years).
Retirement- At the age of 58
Identity: National symbol on triangular structure of three five-edged stars
Brigadier is promoted through selection of selection (after 25 years of service in the commission).
Retirement- At the age of 56
Identity: National symbols on stars with two five edges.
On the post of Colonel, through promotion selection (after 15 years of commissioned service) happens. According to the timing, the commission gets a promotion even after 26 years of commissioned service. However, officers who have reached Colonel post from time to time have the portfolio of Lieutenant Colonel.
Retirement - at the age of 54Rank-lieutenant colonel
Identity: National Symbols on Five Edge Stars
After 13 years of service in the commissioning service, promotion is given on time-bound basis.
Identity: National Symbols
According to the time limit, the promotion of 6 years of commissioning service is received and this post gets.
On completion of the two-year commissioning service, this promotion is available on the basis of time limit.
Identity - Star with two five edges
This rank is available on commission of commission as an officer in the Indian Army.
Junior Commissioned Officer in Indian Army
Rank - Sub Maj Major (Infantry or Infantry) or Risaldar Major (Cavalry and Armored Regiments or Ashwarohi and Armored Regiments)
Identity: Golden National Symbol with Stripe
Promotion based on selection
Retirement- 34 years of service or 54 years of age, whichever is earlier.
Rank-Sub (Infantry or Infantry) or Risaldar (Cavalry and Armored Regiments or Ashwarohi and Armored Regiments)
Identity: Two Golden Star with Stripe
There is a promotion through selection.
Retirement- 30 years of service or 52 years of age, whichever is earlier
Rank-Nb Sub (infantry) or Nb Risaldar (Ashwarohi and Armored Regiment)
Identity: A Golden Star with Stripe
Promotion is based on selection
Retirement- 28 years of service or 52 years old, whichever is earlier
Non-commissioned officers of the Indian Army
Rank - Hav (infantry) or Daphdaar (Ashwarohi and Armored Regiments)
Identity: Three Rank Chevron
Promotion based on selection
Retirement- 26 years of service or 49 years old, whichever is earlier
Rank - hero (infantry) or Lance Daffodar (Ashwarohi and Armored Regiment)
Identity: Two Rank Chevron
Promotion based on election
Retirement- 24-year service or 49 years old, whichever is earlier
Rank- Lance Naik (infantry) or in charge Lance Dafadar (Ashwarohi and Armored Regiment)
Identity: One Rank Chevron
Promotion based on election
Retirement- 22 years old service or 48 years old, whichever comes first
Identity: Simple shoulder badge
The soldiers are identified by their core, in which they serve. For example, a soldier from the signal recognizes him as a signalman, from the infantry to the form of reflane and as a gunner from the armored corps.Recruitment Process: General Services
Educational Qualification: SSC or matriculation pass There is a minimum qualification of 45 percent marks and at least 33 percent marks in every subject should be necessary.
Age - 17 1/2 to 21 years
Marital status - Single man
Physical efficiency - The criteria for physical efficiency vary according to the area, but in general the efficiency is said to be necessary-
Minimum height 167 cm Must be
The candidate's weight should not be less than 50 kilograms
Candid's sew should be at least 77 centimeters, which is 5 cm deep on flowering.
Candidates should not have any kind of communicable disease, infection and heart disease. There should be no problem associated with the eyes and ears.
Advertisements are published in Internet or TV or Employment News. Candidates have to submit the application form upon seeing him. Selected candidates are asked to join the physical skill test. Those who are elected will have a medical test and those who are selected will be given a written test. It involves questions related to general knowledge, mathematics and computer awareness.
Selection of officers
Standing commission
National Defense Academy (NDA, Pune)
Candidates can take UPSC exam after passing the 12th examination. The selected candidates have to give a five-day Services Selection Board (SSB) interview. Includes a physical test. Medical tests are also done. Chances are given to the pass candidates (Army, Navy, Air Force). After training, they are sent to the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, where candidates have to stay for a year before commissioning.
Combined Defense Service Examination (CDSE)
Candidates can participate in the CDS entrance exam conducted by UPSC in the last year of graduation or having graduate degree. After passing the SSB and Medical Test, he is given 18 months training in the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun. After this he gets a commission.University Entry Scheme (UES)
Candidates from the last year of engineering can apply through UES. Selected candidates are given one year training in IMA, Dehradun. On completion of the course, officers are given one year seniority, promotion and increments.
Technical Graduate Course
It is similar to the UES, but it is also for the candidates of BE or B Tech, who have secured BE or B.Tech degree, along with candidates for the last year.
AEC (Male)
Candidates who have secured postgraduate degree (in notified subjects) like MA / M.Sc./M.Com / MCA / MBA, in the first or second class, they can apply. After 12 months of training, permanent commission is given.
Officers Training Academy, Gaya
Candidates who have passed 10 + 2 exams with 70% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects, can apply in the notification on the basis of cut-off. After SSB interview, eligible cadets are sent to OTA, G. There are basic military training and technical training.
Short service commission
The Army also gives the option of short service commission (SSC) for 10 to 14 years for women and men.
SSC entry can be for any of these categories- technical, non-technical, JAG or NCC entry