Bitbns is the first exchange globally making EOS RAM trading available. Also this will be first and unique crypto trading pair available across the globe.
RAM is mostely used by developer to store the data used in the launching and production of decentralized application .
INR 0.18
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Shi hai boss jo bhi hai @banjo
Yes it is a straightforward question. what google does.
Off course you r right bro
How do you feel about John Searle?
Shai pakde hai
Hi follow and upvote dear for mgsc community
Off course dear I follow u ND comments
Yeah we should help each other
I like this kinda post. Straightforward. Keep it up bro.
Thanks bro for supporting
Always buddy
I like your post
Very good news
Thanks bro for reading this post and comments
good informationhi @iesravi
Thanks bro for supporting me
But are they powerfull enough?
Ya bro good coin