Nokia X5 has finally been launched by HMD Global in China. The smartphone comes with a dual rear camera setup stacked vertically, a display notch, and runs on pure Android 8.1 Oreo operating system. The Nokia X5 is the second smartphone in the Nokia X-series,
Display 5.86-inch
Processor 2GHz octa-core
Front Camera 8-megapixel
Resolution 720x1520 pixels
OS Android 8.1
Storage 32GB
Rear Camera 13-megapixel
Battery 3060mAh
Please tell us what you think about the people of this phone
nice article bro and you must work on it and improve... can u plz visit my post i upvoted u lets help each other :)
actually good choice
Nokia provide always good mobiles. Nokia X5 feature is good.How much does it cost?