Why do we learn maths? what is the use of maths in life?

in #mgsc7 years ago

Mathematics is an essential discipline in today's world. It is a powerful tool for understanding the world around us & our perspective on the important issues facing us as individuals, families, businesses & nations.

Math surrounds us. we use math skills & capabilities every day from balancing our checkbooks to advertising agencies to doctors from retailers to builders, lawyers & accountants.


everyone needs some level of specific mathematics knowledge. Most professions use math to perform their job better & to get ahead in the world.

Maths is more than a subject that everyone in school needs to take. Many believe that math is only needed in the science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics fields. that's true math is absolutely essential in those fields, but it is also needed in many other fields including economics, many of the social science such as psychology & sociology & in many of the arts & humanities disciplines including art, music & mass communication.


Mathematics has been called "The universal language."

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Guys Please share your opinion also.

Yes its important and can be fun if taught properly