If there is one thing common in all of today’s generation, it is slothfulness. Isn’t it? Night owls that we are, we dread waking up early in the morning by declaring proudly, “I am not a morning person”. Early mornings are the most hated part of our day and it is the time when our slumber actually begins. We loathe, abhor, resent and DENOUNCE mornings as if it were Hitler. However, let us shed some light on why you should be waking up early in the morning and going for a walk. We’re sure you’ll give up on every episode of G.O.T to make sure you sleep on time and wake up early for a walk after reading this list.
Here are 10 reasons why we believe that morning walks are important:
10.Abate the risk of diabetes.
Be the master of your body and curb diabetes by taking a brisk walk of 30 minutes every morning. Research proves that a half an hour walk in the morning can balance insulin in type 2 diabetes and also control blood sugar levels in your body. Morning walks help improve the Body Mass Index (BMI), burn calories and help the cells to absorb more glucose, which is very beneficial for the diabetics.
- Reduce those love handles and tone your body.
Piqued by those love handles? Irritated of that belly that’s peeping out of your top? Well, losing this has a very easy solution: Walking! Walking helps increase the heart rate and burning down something that you’ll actually enjoy watching burn: your pesky calories. Experts report that walking is an easy way to lose weight without having to sacrifice on some of your favorite delicacies, if coupled with exercises. Researchers also conclude to have observed weight loss and increased muscle flexibility, in obese patients as a result of walking.
Moreover, walking serves another purpose. It not only helps you lose the bothersome mass of fat, but also helps you to tone down your body, giving you a sleek and slim look. Walking tones your legs, tummy and the muscles of your calves and buttocks, thus improving your overall physical appearance. So put on those shoes and go walking!
- Keeps cholesterol levels under check and prevents Atherosclerosis.
Walking is an excellent way to keep those cholesterol levels under check. Our body requires only a certain amount of cholesterol to be healthy. The extremes, i.e. high levels of LDL or low levels of HDL can be bad for health. Thus, walking is proved to be a great exercise to balance the levels of cholesterol in our body.
Atherosclerosis is a disorder which results from excess deposition of LDL cholesterol on the walls of the arteries. This leads to blockage in brain, heart, legs and kidneys which does not allow the proper circulation of blood. However, morning walk is the savior of this condition, as it protects your from any kinds of blockage, thus allowing proper flow of blood.
- Shields you from Osteoporosis and Arthritis.
Being a sloth all the time comes with a price, it can lead to stiffness of the body, which may lead to the development of Osteoporosis or Arthritis in the long run. In order to prevent these disorders, it is essential to be physically active. According to research, walking for 5 days or more in a week can soothe pain stemming from arthritis or any other stiffness due to inactivity. Women are prone to Osteoporosis as they lose bone density, thus walking strengthens joints and improves bone density.
- Makes your heart stronger and prevents strokes.
According to ‘The American Association’ a brisk walk can reduce the chances of heart diseases and strokes. People who suffer from heart diseases must take a walk for atleast 30 minutes to lower blood pressure and keeps heart healthy. Morning walks also lower the levels of triacyglycerol. Heart patients must avoid running or other vigorous exercises, thus walking is the best for them.
- Bye, bye depression.
Stress is the root cause of depression. In today’s world, where competition is at its peak, individuals tend to crumble under its pressure. This leads to depression and individuals further resort to substance abuse or suicide. Morning walks help the individuals to cheer up as it improves the circulation of blood to the brain and allows the proper flow of endorphins. Thus, a walk for an hour or half helps individuals mentally and spiritually.
According to an article in ‘Scientific American’, walking for 200 minutes in a week helps individual feel more vibrant, peppy and optimist.
- Reduces the risk Of Miscarriages.
Walking is a common yet exceptional activity for women who are expecting. It helps regulate the hormonal levels and prevent uterine contractions, triggered by hormonal changes that can lead to cases of abortion. It also shields the pregnant women against gestational diabetes, which is common among expectant mothers.
- Refreshes the brain and averts cognitive deterioration.
Walking not only helps you physically, but mentally too. It strengthens your memory and enhances your intellectual capabilities. When you walk, the oxygen and blood flow to the brain is increased, which improves attention as well as the functioning of the brain. So, walk your way to good grades! wink,wink
Cognitive deterioration occurs lesser in individuals who walk. They are less prone to cognitive disorders like Vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, walking daily has been proven to prevent Dementia and Alzheimer’s and reduce the risk by 54%.
- Hello glowing skin.
Any forms of exercises are beneficial for skin. However, walking being the easiest, helps in preventing wrinkles or fine lines and also prevents acne, pimples and skin problems. This is because walking helps improve circulation of blood, which keeps the skin healthy and radiant. Walking causes an individual to sweat, as a result all the toxins are thrown out of the skin. So say hello to flawless, glowy skin.
- Boosts immunity and ameliorates overall well being.
Walking in mornings strengthens the immune system as it increases blood and oxygen supply to the body. This protects us from disease and other ailments. It also helps energizes our body, keep us active and gives us strength to go about the entire day. Walking helps freshen up and the movements help benefit every part of the body.
This list is sure to change your thoughts on being awake till late night and change your habits for good. We are hopeful that this list makes you breakup with your bed and patch up and catch up with your health. After all, health should always be your priority. So let’s not only be active on Whatsapp and Facebook, but also be physically active to build a better, stronger and healthier us.
Fitness is more important than anything. Loved your post. Thanks for sharing
Being fit physically & mentally is a necessity, good content!!
Exercise and yoga are two best possible things to keep your body fit...
Morning walks are always imp no doubt...i always think to go for it but hangover dont allow🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣