Hello Friends,
So we are back on Steemit now with daily new and interesting blogs.
This blog is all about recent collapse of Bitcoin followed by Altcoins this is because SEC has put an end to the recent ETF approval hype by delaying it till September 30.A slight negative news in the market is enough to shake it fully.
Bitcoin which was trading at around 8400-8500$ in the end of July is now at 6500$ within 10 days.This shows how big whales manipulate the market by creating fuds.And always newcomers and small investors are the ones which do panic selling.But in terms of price crash Altcoins beats the bitcoin they are in two digits price drop.
Yes, it a reality that Btc is now standing at 1/3 of its ATH but majority of the altcoins are about 90% dip. This is why we recommend you to be in Bitcoin more than 50% of your portfolio always.
Future of Crypto:
Those who keep saying end of crypto after every price fall are biggest loosers. Block chain technology is here to stay it can be a revolutionary change in our society like mobile phone inventions in early eighties. It is just the beginning of a new era.
We are not in loss unless we sell our holdings. Nobody likes the red candles in the market not even a CEO of a prominent coin but whatever comes up surely comes down too. Soon we will see greenery in the market for sure.
So is this the end of Bitcoin and Crypto currencies- NO! This is just the start; very few people in the world know about it let the market explore. Just imagine your portfolios after 3-5 years.
1 Jaguar = 1 BTC, see you in the next blog.
Till then you can check our video for top altcoins you can buy now
Don't forget to comment down your thoughts and views about the blog below, this means a lot to us.
Sumit Kapoor
Very sad
In August 2017
We were thinking to have Bitcoin on 6500$ and now it’s there and we feeling as end of the crypto,
But I guess we need have faith in logic of crypto currency.
Market will boom definitely, just need to wait!
@real-info absolutely my friend only blockchain believers will make profit
hello dear i have just started working on steemit but i am not getting even 1 upvote how to get more upvotes please suggest something dear
Market will grow up soon.
By the way Sir Thank you so much for this great Explaination.@moneyguruu Crypto will never get ended . It is the future. And I think atleast in Our Life it will not End. It might End in Our Next Life because Who Knows what better may Come. So I think We should not worry with these short term fall. Ups and Down phase comes in every part of our Life. So no need to worry for long term.
@kmayegaindia thanks for the appreciation we are the part of the revolution
btc will definately cross ath
@rehan very high chances of touching ATH this year again!
Ok sir
Nice one
I think Btc will recover very soon and crossed $ 10k. What You say sir ??
@ravi7777 i a very much bullish about Btc like you, it will run like like anything in the long run
@moneyguruuThere is no chance for ath in this year. Because the all market manipulate by whales. When they want and think then the market up otherwise no chance to ath in this year.
@moneyguruu sumit bhai what your prediction about bitcion in future because my some friend ask the question about it?
@moneyguruu hello sumit sir me aapka youtube subscriber karib 1 year se aapko me bahut lick krta hun mene abhi abhi steemit pr account banaya hai meri aap thodi help kr doge to aapki meherbani hogi
What is fuds???
FUD describes the spreading of “Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt” (typically through media).
Hope It Will Help You.
thanks to you also
@imowasib thanks for clarifying him
thanks for appreciation.
No one can predict the price of any Altcoins because the game of this ups and down trend is now in the hands of big traders who are operating BTC futures .
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Sir mai apne channel me space series start krne wala hu but mere follower kam h isliye space series bekar ho jayegi to apse request hai ki meri series ko promote kre
Hii sir @moneyguruu https://steemit.com/mgsc/@shubhamsinghdude/starting-space-series
@shubhamsinghdude Right now i am working on Dropshipping series which can help people to earn lacs/month, thanks i will look into it too
your YouTube videos is two good
hello brother (@bhavaojha) why you not upload any post from last month
@amritmahal Thanks my friend your appreciation means a lot to me, keep supporting!
To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:
Hi! I'm a bot, and this answer was posted automatically. Check this post out for more information.
Why you don’t use bitcoin and cryptocurrency tag in this post rather than mgscI definitely agree that is not end. In my opinion there are sale in crypto market buy with more confidence @moneyguruu what you think is this sale period?
@sumit1998 firstlu yes it is sale period it occurs usually whenever panic selling happens, buy at low sell at high.And mgsc tag i used so that our community will get it easily
Crypto market will Never stop.
It's unstoppable technology and upcoming technology it has some error but soon all get resolved and whole world will accept crypto.
@ra.todkar it is unpredictable too, it will surely boom in the long run
@moneyguruu I agree with you sir.i hope btc grow up soon.
Sir in steemit I am very new in this platform but I followed you and your strategy little and make my reputation 49+ .I am really thankful for your efforts for new people in this platform.sir I want your little support and strategy how I became more successful in this platform
Thank you
Sumit Pandey
@sptalk keep doing good work, rest you can view our steemit series videos on youtube for easy tips and tricks
Thank you sir I also follow you on YouTube
Yeah, market manupulators always plays games with every news that comes in the market.
And they takes advantage of it. Every thing happens as fast as they could.
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@devkapoor423 they are big players and we have to follow the trend
manipulator are still so strong they.can manipulate price whenever they want ...
we need to invest more to reduce the amount of whales
@badpoison very much true !
@moneyguruu my personal thoughts this market is end for only those who enters towards 2017 end thinking easy money and wants to be millionare very quicky. these people mainly a reason for btc rise from 3000$ to 20000$ and now again these people might be the reason for this fall as they are exiting on every fall....so sir please continue your good work and keep motivating common man else these people will crash down and exit with huge loss.....hats off too ur good work sir....
@vikasgoel1234 Thanks my friend but we can only motivate people the choice is theirs , i always say no need of panic selling
that's very much true when the news of ETF came in the market bitcoin was starting going up and it was trading around 8200 to 8500 within 3 to 4 days and when ETF delayed bitcoin reverse into bearish trend again but There is future and future lies in the bitcoin. for sure
Very nice post well researched and well prepared
@rahulkoshti thanks for the appreciation, we will try to make blogs on daily basis on steemit as per now.Stay tuned !
I think it's beginning of crypto
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@thecryptoplayer Yes, we will earn together
Thanks Sumit sir for your reply, we need your support for earn
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Now a days bitcoin will flactuat .
@susobharaj this is just due to whale manipulation and panic selling
Yes you are correct @moneyguruu
It is the reason we should never become a panic seller. The truth, it is not the best year in crypto this year!
@chesatochi who knows may be it will be best year, lets wait and watch
I hope. ;)
It is the reason we should never become a panic seller. The truth, it is not the best year in crypto this year!
@chesatochi who knows may be it will be the best year!
i watch your all videos and all the time i learn something new from your videos sir,your videos always help people to get some important information,knowledge and benefits to make some profit so thank you so much @moneyguruu sir for inspiring us all :)
@sanju007 thanks for your support, we will try our level best
thank you sir for your kind comment :)
@moneyguruu Hi Sir. very informative post . thanks for sharing public place .
@malikkhuram its just the start a lot more posts are coming
Hi #Summit (@moneyguruu), Yup Your thoughts quite similar to me, it is just start of crypto world because only few of people have knowledge about it . As crypto community will increase also value of crypto for sure will increase 📈. Once you buy a bitcoin or any altcoin never try to sell quickly . In Crypto World HODL is besy stragegy according to me. opinion can be changed according to person's way of thinking.
Nice picture
@imowaisab yes holding power is tested many a times in the crypto
welcome back sir and bitcoin will recover soon bitcoin have great future!
@fatimaah thanks and wish you good luck
I don't know what will happen with bitcoin and altcoins
@amitak be optimistic the crypto future is bright in long term
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https://steemit.com/news/@nationchakma/supernatural-jensen-ackles-stuns-as-archangel-michael-in-season-14-sneak-peek member of @moneyguruu
@nationchakma keep doing the good work, success will come surely
bitcoin price will increase in coming soon. After some fuds
hodl altcoins with smile face
@pakpunjab absolutely right
So this must be the good time to invest in altcoins?
@abhay.singh only if you identify good projects, simply view my video above for top altcoins
i have seen that without paid promotion its not very easy to make anything in steemit .
@moms43 you can view my steemit video series for tips and tricks
I believe that Bitcoin's price will arrive $20,000 in October
@sidp715 i am very much bullish about btc in long term
Those who trust it, they are a little bit starting to build there partial position its just fluctuate due to trading , very soon it will spike .
No one knows by when it will start accelerating , but we have to take action before its start , best strategy investment start taking partial positions.
@woodparker absolutely correct my friend take partial entries
we already saw BTC $20000 in the January, there is no doubt the future cryptocurrencies only. Some whales wantedly they are creadting FUD so that small investors always loosing their money. But , be patient everyone we will definatley gain good profit in the crypto filed.hi @moneyguruu
thank you sir, good blog post
@moneyguruu right say sir. I think whales taking advantage of this news but people is not understanding this thing and they are selling their coins at low price so then after whales come back with original money and they become more powerful to buy more coins with that money.
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Help me sir.
Tell me the way I imagine it can be true.
Hi @moneyguruu Sumit ji...
yes I'm absolutely agree with you... what we think market does just opposite to with our mind. As market psychology does work..
but those who keep patience and invest in lower level they made profit and for them these is just like a ABCD as simple as possible..!!!!
is not it sumit ji???
The day comes after the night. And BTC will also come
Inderjit Singh
Best knowledge 🤳
So this is the right time to buy bitcoin?
gopaler moto lagche.
got it.. thanks
Hello sir your all post and video very best thank you sir..
Yes I Agree Time is buy altcoins .
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It seems to difficult that Bitcoin will touch a new. It will take more time to get it's high touch. Because a fear has come in crypto market.