Cryptocurrency Exchange Account block Bulgarian Banks

in #mgsc7 years ago

6 July 2018 major Bank of Bulgarian block Bank account who have trading in Cryptocurrency of Bulgarian people the very bad news from Bulgaria's country about Cryptocurrency. I think Bulgarian government research about that Cryptocurreny after that take decision most country accept and regulate the Cryptocurrency. Why Bulgaria's government doing like this?. Blockchain one of most powerful technology. It Blockchan help for the free corruption in technology sector.

According to Bulgaria's administration of Bitcoin Forum Bank closed the account of all Bulgarian People as well as companies who have activity are related to the purchase and sell the Cryptocurrency United Bulgarian Bank said. So I think Bitcoin and Fiat Currency going downfall and India is also include to dominate the Cryptocurrency if Indian government ban till 2019 then India go to 15 year back to other country because Indian Government do not understand what is Bitcoin and Blockchain it not to be ready to understand what Blockchain why.?