hey everyone this is Ronald once again coming at you with a new. faucet I came across a few weeks ago this is called Cointiply Bitcoin Faucet and as you can see here I'll be posting a Referral link https://cointiply.com/r/VonXz
below here in a bit but this is coin supply and you have one two three four. five six ways of earning coins okay so.
real quick I've been using this faucet here for the last few weeks and I've been using probably the videos to earn.
more coins I think I did one survey so I mean I got up to I think I had 17,000 and 300 coins up until recently and I'm gonna tell you why.
okay so I've been using this faucet every hour I mean not every hour but. every so often when I have an opportunity as often as I can I jump in here and and and submit a claim okay so
I just recently did it and I submitted a claim and I won 36 coins so right here. Referral link https://cointiply.com/r/VonXz
tells you what you rolled and the amount.
of coins that you want okay so this is actually one of the highest.
paid faucets out there it's a pretty good faucet it's it's just great I mean actually I highly recommend this one if.
you signed up for anyone sign up for this one okay and the reason I say that.
is because if it pays quite a bit I've won over a hundred coins and spin I've. won I think several times I think I won over 300 and I think one time I won like.
500 coins and a spin so I mean this faucet pays out it's not holding back like some of these other ones but let me just real quick to. show you what I did okay so I've been using this faucet and.
I got up to seventeen thousand three hundred coins okay but then. they introduced this new mining game this.
March 11th the introduces new mining
game and I'm gonna show you where I spent my where I spent
my hard earned satoshis okay so the.
introduces mining game okay and what you do is you have to buy
equipment to start mining, okay so this is a carrier Depot and let me just show you real quick what I bought you can.
pretty much buy any piece of equipment to start mining so since.
I had seventeen thousand three hundred coins I decided.
to buy this one I bought a refinery for.
nine thousand I couldn't afford this one I didn't have twenty five thousand. course I only had seventeen thousand.
three hundred so I bought the refinery for nine thousand I bought several of these carrier depots for two hundred.
coins piece and then I bought this one the type X magazine I bought the compound crusher and I bought the next.
one let's see here the metallurgy okay.
so now once you buy these you have nine slots you can purchase any equipment. that you that you want to start mining.
okay so, of course, the each piece of equipment has its own mining power so ten this one has 90 okay this headquarters this is 250 I couldn't afford that anyway but so right now with all the pieces of equipment that I bought I'm at 203 mining power which is pretty decent I mean it's okay I mean.
I'm just starting out and I'm my mining fishes he is 112 percent out of a maximum of 200 and my mining rank is 230 seventh place out of like I think it's like 10,000 people have.
started using the game so and I just started okay so the bonus mining pool is currently 550 the total coins that I've
mind is ninety and I already claimed my article production is six coins per hour.
so the next payout is in an hour and rank is updated over ten minutes so what you as well once you purchase these you can
go in here and you can increase the amount of mining power.
you just have to purchase for each piece.
of equipment you know up to 100 I think let me see here on that but you can you can go in here and you can buy. additional mining power per each piece.
of equipment so that's just a real quick look over and we'll place a Referral link https://cointiply.com/r/VonXz
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Thanx for sharing this article this is really helpful for earning.
U are welcome
great post
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