Hi @flash07 I am a gamer. I love gaming, it's been wired into every fibre of me. For me I think W.H.O is merely speculating not being factual. Many gamers play games to either pass time or because they are intrigued by the story line.
I'm currently playing Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. I played it all night and I might continue after posting this comment, now I'm not addicted I'm just happy with the fact that I am in control of the story line.
It is worthy to consider gaming as a disorder when it affects other necessary daily activities but as an addiction is a no-no.
Regardless of how W.H.O views extreme or excessive gaming, I don't think I will stop, I just love it not because of some pleasing addictive feeling but it's fun for me.
Thank you for letting us know what they think of we gamers. 😁😂 I'm not an addict. Great article by the way
@tymix12 Thank you for reading my article and good comments my friend.