Nothing pisses me off even more than a lying Korean. The whole comfort women lie that Korean women have claimed has no truth in reality. But this isn't about that this about the Toronto van attack which was staged. Video footage ;proving it was staged was deleted off youtube.
People will do anything for some money. As a Korean I feel disgusted Just like terrorist attacks are staged even people lie for some money. My guess is George Soros has something to do with it. This staged event was to attack the manosphere which includes PUA, men's rights and MGTOW. In reality this is bullshit. Trying to scapegoat entire group of people.
MGTOW are accused of not being able to get laid yet we have women coming to MGTOW forums, making videos about his and pleading they are not like other women.
Men will no longer keep silent. MGTOW has been attacked since 2014 starting with the men's rights. No amont of shaming or lies is going t silence me.
Fuck you Koreans selling out our own race for your own fucking greed.
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leewilliamson (-10)(1) 7 years ago
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