DISRUPTIVE IDEAS, like MGTOW, Bitcoin, Free Oline Universities & Democratically Run Worker Cooperatives is just the beginning!

in #mgtow7 years ago (edited)


To Understand truly understand the value of MGTOW, we have to begin looking at the long history of exploitation. Especially of the male in our society.

Men, in our society, have been forced, coerced and manipulated into servicing the needs of women and their endless wants -which every adult should be capable of admitting is wrong! This hypergamy game has contributed to the mindless consumerism and consumption that squanders our wealth and potentials.

Men are not responsible for any other adult, even if that adult happens to be a woman. Women who are wise, should also recognize this male provision, protection and utility as a crutch. Only children need other adults. Women need to understand that they need to create more honest and equitable relationship with men.

Societies have always benefited and recognized the vitality and the utility men have provided, but I suspect that women have been capable of just as much and we have to understand why it is that women have not and to do this you have to understand what natural feminine hypergamy is, where it comes, and how it functions.

All sexual reproduction has emerged and functioned under natural hypergamy rules: females of most species choose mates based on their displays or power, genetic fitness, utility and provision. This has to be a deeply rewarding experience for women to have access to male vitality, as deep and compelling as the male sexual response to desirable sexual opportunities. I think it is clear that man and women experience this emotionally and respond to it as something they want, or something they desire most…often confusing it for love or loving relationships. Both natural urges have to be properly understood and overcome, if we are going to move forward and treat each other better and form better relationships. We most definitely have to re-imagine what family and community is going to look like in the future… and I am very optimistic!

In terms of our biological roots, we have to understand how it functions today. The bigger picture and we need see should explain how our Society has impoverished by the hypergamy game women play.

MGTOW has the potential to liberate male and female vitality and see that what we've created is a waste of time as it's built upon status, which for men was a all about acquiring women they believe themselves to be unattainable in honest means, and for women it has offered false security and social ills of many types.

We clearly see a world built on exploitation and power, and to the extent that it is, we can now to turn towards new ideas that are equally disruptive as MGTOW, in order to escape from this stalemate that is destroying our families and whole societies.

MGTOW, as a philosophy, is very much in need today, because our economy does not allow men to both live and provide for women… the whole issue of the hypergamy game now has become a focus of men's voices that are erupting across the globe. In fact we see women responding to this movement appropriately, they fear it! But women only have themselves to blame, the tough economic conditions have stimulated more and more natural hypergamy in women and this leads to more and more exploitation, manipulation and criminalization of men. We see the exploitation clearly now, women can no longer deny it anymore than men can continue to excuse it.

Once Corporate monopolies have made it impossible for men to live and provide for families, MGTOW has emerged as one would expect. Men are starting to question their role in society and their “responsibilities to women”, Men are starting to reject the suffocating, stressful, confined and narrow gender roles in the same way that women have over the last hundred and fifty years. Men will begin to demand protected rights as fathers, reject the crude marriage contract and demand the same right to reproductive choice women have had for a very long time now (The sexist imbalance with right to choose for women and not men, deserves its own conversation: which will make clear how men are further extorted by women in many ways and by family courts.)

I suspect MGTOW is going to lead to an introduction of new ideas, as more and more men awakening and demanding that women be responsible adults too and as men begin to seek more honest relationships with them.

Because MGTOW speaks to the man's experience, this philosophy is a very liberating disruptive philosophy in an age where men have been massively exploited and forced to provide for women who are quite capable of providing for themselves, who are themselves quite capable of achieving the status of autonomous adults. Where adult here is to be understood as any person willing and able to be responsible for yourself and your needs. Our children need both parents to be adults help them mature as adults as well. MGTOW is as important to women and society as it is to men, because it asked for both parties to enter into more honest relationships with each other and these more honest relationships will become more productive and build just societies. Societies built on Justice will thrive. Economic and social justice -if allowed to emerge, it will be in direct confrontation with the status quo; with the world as it is now. This is why it has to be disruptive in order to make real change happen.

MGTOW is not the only disruptive ideas out there: plenty of disruptive ideas are emerging as we start to question the structure and function of the whole society: To the that we see the problems associated with fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, will be properly appreciated. And to the extent that we understand and use Bitcoin to support social justice, we will achieve it apart from the manipulations of these large financial institutions and plutocracies.

To the extent that we begin to labor differently and rather than join in with these corporate monopolies -who only offer poverty traps for workers who created everything we see: (we all know that every job today is clearly a poverty trap). The solution that is disruptive here is the idea of democratically run worker cooperatives. this will also be a part of the way forward towards social and economic Justice. We need to take back our economy from the capitalists, socialists and communists ideologues, because all three economic systems have managed to exploit workers in the exact same way: they just use different excuses and words to achieve it all. Cooperativism will be our future; a decentralized economy that will first make workers the owners and it will dominate the economy, then, and only than we will have a much more restricted minimalists government that we need.

We have already begun to make Rich multimedia content as a society, that will work with a free online university platform, which itself will provide the instruction and learning experience to support life long learning without the bankers student loan traps.

Internships, mentoring programs and re-imagined classrooms of the future will be supported by a free online university and then there is no reason why someone cannot wake up in the morning put on their shoes and walk out and do something productive society, if they chose to do so. We will not worry about anyone being left behind, because every day they can wake up and take up the responsibility for their education and success. Everyone will be open to following multiple career paths, which will make our economy responsive to change and demand in short time frames. I am confident that worker ownership will move beyond the degree monopolies, which too often gets confused with competency and expertise. People in the future will simply walk into any cooperative that needs more workers and prove their value and contribution to their peers and fellow workers…. Not some group of disconnected managers or owners that are too focused on disciplining and exploiting workers for more and more profit! No narrow class of owners deserve to take what all the workers have invested a lifetime or productive labor creating and leave them with nothing but lifelong poverty.

The bloated educational monopolies we call universities, function to exclude more poor people than they include, they will become irrelevant to the economy as skilled trades will return to a ground-up learning track that served mankind from his humble beginnings.

The very idea of “waged jobs” should die too and be replace with shares in productive work that provide lifelong dividends! Everything can be enclosed in smart contracts with blockchain technology, which build real equity, merit and worth to real work into a lifetime of labor! A free online university works perfectly with Democratically Run Worker Cooperatives to support the effort of anyone to begin anew who have no clue of what's going on, and start from the ground and work themselves up to the top aided by a free online University and on the job experience.

Disruptive ideas is the future of relationships, Labor, money, work, education and all other things social, cultural or economic, is the future! More disruptive ideas will emerge and negate the damaging effects of a hypergamous and exploitative societies -which all previous human history was built on.

What comes next should be massively liberating and empowering to the individual with enough sense to understand and act more rationally. Exploitation, excessive waste and lack of vision is squandering our Lives and despoiling our environments. In fact if we leave the economy in the hands of corporate monopolies, worker will see new deeper levels of punishment, discipline and control even if they manage to get a basic income: because that basic income will come at the price of absolute obedience! Where as a jobless future and technology under an economy of democratically run worker cooperatives will mean less working hours and more leisure to focus on building family and culture once more!

The 21st century is going to be something quite different, lets focus on making that a difference that counts!


Hi @iconoclast, great post! Please link images sources and references in future posts.