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RE: The Extremely Weird Case of Flight MH-17

in #mh176 years ago (edited)

thanks alot for this very illustrative video. I was not aware these people are really so obsessed with kaballistic numerology. Another remarkable thing I just found out watching this video, is she was mentioning the Fall of the Berlin Wall. It happened on 9 November 1989, or on 9/11 as we would say here in Europe. And we all know what happened on 9/11 - in the American meaning - 22 years later.
The Fall of the Berlin Wall, weirdly enough was an event that I had already found out in the eighties, would happen around this time. There was a very special combination of planets around this date I had noted in an "Ephemerides". So I wondered if or what would happen. It appeared to coincide with the fall of the Berlin Wall.
And 9/11 -> 9-1-1 = 7 (if you 'take away' the Two Towers, 2 giant 1's, that is).
And then we had this weird collapse of WTC 7 also again...


Quite often major happenings occur when planetary alignments are in play. (Or on so called ley lines on earth). We have weird occult things going with old boys network politicians in bohemian grove meetings. As far as i can tell, These things have been going on for ages. There are as many different explanations for this as there are different voices talking about these things. But imo, the numerology and gematria aspects are too much in your face to overlook as insignificant. Be persistant and the truth will come to us, thanks to the spread of information and the internet, humanity is having a massive awakening. Hence the crackdown on the free internet. BTW, about mh17, there’s a video circulating online from not long after the crash with footage of the bodies on there, things are not what they seem to be

I think the video is in the link of liveleak I posted above, not for the fainthearted.

Yes, that’s the one i talked about. Good to realise you ‘know’ that 9ne, and indeed, there are some horrible images there.