
I'm new to Steemit and I've been following this back and forth banter for the past 2 days and have to say its super entertaining.

The drama, the intensity its epic. Both sides just going for the jugular and going toe to toe.

It is both sad and entertaining at the same time. The amount this guy makes is ridiculous. His 10 posts a day could have easily gone into 1 larger post (or 4, for all I care). I know the platform is free to do on as you please, with risk of flags ofcourse, but this latest war has nasty side effects.

Lots of smaller accounts get flagged for interfering and speaking their mind for either side. Either because of their flags, opinion posts or comments. They are just trying to stand up for what they believe is best for the platform and they are getting crushed for doing so.

Besides that, look at the Trending page. This trending page (which should really not exist anymore) displays so many signs of the latest flagging war, anyone interested in the platform will quickly turn and run the other way once they see our collective behaviour. It is also chasing away current members as we speak.

I don't understand why Steemit Inc. doesn't interfer by bringing back the 4 day posting limit. No one writes so many articles that they would require more than that. Even if they did, they could just keep on posting and just not earn anything from their spam. I loved the suggestion someone made to use the same kind of weight that's used on VP. A Post Rewards Weight that grows back to 100% if you stick to max 4 posts a day.

Anyway, yes, entertaining to see for a while, but bad publicity, which is part of what this war is all about I guess...

Even with a limit of only 4 posts a day the problem won't be solved. Only thing he has to do then is giving a couple of reply's to the comments he gets and get (big) upvotes for his reply's ...

Really? I hadn't seen any big upvotes on his comments. Either way, in that case it would be a very clear sign of abuse, whereas with high paying posts, the line is a little more blurry (even though I agree the current 10 posts a day is definitely abuse). He'd have a harder time explaining that away to his followers.

A post limit would benefit the platform overall I think. I know there are ways to work around it, but that's not a good enough argument to not make an improvement. Not everyone is willing to go through the trouble.

Even if the post limit is imposed, I think @ranchorelaxo will just vote on those comments and make him $200+ per vote.

I think the abuse is just the tip of the iceberg of what could potentially ruin this platform. When you have multiple "partnerships" like @haejin and @ranchorelaxo, there will be nothing left for most of us.

Yeah, sadly the upvoting partnership doesn't end with only them. I guess everyone has friends here who they want to support. It just kinda hurts the smaller people when whales have only whale friends.

I totally agree with you that a daily limit will be an improvement (btw the same should done with resteems to my opinion). Hope the next HF will bring good and sufficient modifications to solve (or at least reduce) the abuse that's going on right now. Have a nice evening.

Yep, votes on comments or another account. @ta-today @ta-latertoday @ta-forbreakfast..

I think the four posts per day limit was removed to allow comments to use the same pool as actual posts. Something about the code forced the change.

Oh really? Bah that's so sad. To be limited by code!

Be that as it may, the removal of the limit was definitely for the worst of the platform.

Yes it was. You know, it's hard for me to think this can't be implemented through coding. It might take a little more effort, but still. I'm no coding expert, but I know enough to know that, as long as you can distiguish a blog post from a comment, you should be able to have control over just one of them... Maybe that's the issue and deep under water, they are the same.

Oh well, not that my thoughts matter much on that particular subject :-)

Very good point indeed, I posted about this issue last week and hope that steemit inc will listen to its members plea and bring back posting limit say 3 and from the 4th one no more reward..of course they can open another account but it will not have the same effect like the original one..

Not sure what you mean Bernie?

And why is he even powering up if thought that was the case?!

Or how about this beauty from 4 days ago, @haejin calling for triple digit SBD

STEEM Dollars (SBD): Strong Demand for SBD Could Bring In Triple Digits!


When the current goal is to bring SBD back to the $ peg this is an incredible statement!?

This post is 2 months old... why would you quote that? You can see from his timeline there has not been 1 powered up post since.

He's powered up a lot since then.

Transfer 18498.709 STEEM POWER to haejin

Not so long ago.

99 Power ups, total of 62K Steem Power.

No problem with powering up STEEM, but 100% on the post with SBD higher than STEEM price?

Do you know he is using buildawhale for upvotes?

He is using all bots, but he cannot use @buildawhale anymore as he is blacklisted.

If the bot owners disagree with what he is doing, maybe they should all blacklist him...

Most of them don't blacklist.

I google searched haejin SBD, it was the top result.

Would you prefer it if i used the 2nd result?

If it was sarcasm mate no worries :)
text can be read many ways haha, was no beef towards you @abh12345 :)

It certainly can, no probs, sorry for any mis--understanding :D

@haejin you could be making 2 or 3 posts a day with all you AT and everything you want and you'll be making a lot of money anyways, the 10 posts per day is just a excuse to use the @ranchorelaxo vote. You could be out of this war by doing the right thing, no ones is tell in you to leave STEEMIT, no one is telling you to STOP posting your AT, all we are saying is that you are obviously crating each post to get his up vote. Remember you being a minnow, as we all were (and most of us still are) making posts with a couple of cents, then you start to earn big money on your posts, which is great, but squeezing the reward pool for yourself with those + $2500 a day is just not good. Most of us will be very happy to make 1 post per day with $250 as you are doing, but people tend to be greedy as fuck when it comes to easy money. I don't think this war is good for the ecosystem just like your poolrape, I must say @berniesanders, @transisto and those who are flagging you are only trying to make a fair STEEMIT for everyone. I was looking at this war since day one, and all I can say is that most of the points that Bernie and Transisto talked about are right, you have zero community engagement, you only up vote your own posts, you are not doing nothing for STEEMIT, so in my opinion if you want to make 1 2 or even 3 posts per day is fine, but 10 posts, no voting any other user is just not fair. @berniesanders you are truly fighting for the ecosystem and I totally understand your anger being almost the only whale (with transisto and a couple more) trying to make a fair ecosystem, this seems to have no end, I wish it end soon and with the best results for STEEMIT and not for one user. Keep it up Bernie

With his perfect TA he can be the world's richest man in less than a week :/

Sorry for my newbie-ness but what is a TA ? :)

I was wondering the same but you beat me to it


Thinking about it, it might mean "Technical Analysis"

Lol Thanx !!

Thanks !!! Make sense :)

very intersting post
He has found a niche in this system. It's the communities job to figure out how to fix it IMO

Hey @ berniesanders, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on steemit.....

He has found a niche in this system. It's the communities job to figure out how to fix it IMO. We know he isn't going to change.

এইমাত্র জামিন পেলেন খালেদা জিয়া। হাইকোর্টে মির্জা ফখরুল উপস্থিতিতে শুনানি।

yah some time hahaha


very nice post

he does it because he can. why work when you can a couple times pr day spend 10 minuts on writing BS, make a chart in paint and get rich.

@haejin sees that every post gets a lot rewards of this. There are those who do not get very evaluated by posting very well. Many people also get a lot of rewards because of their simple posting. Our good quality post should be evaluated.

@well I've been following this @haejin scandal but the fact is that he is still 'raping' the reward pool even with all the fuzz and flags. Is there a permanent solution to this tyranny @berniesanders?

Not to repeat myself ( repeat myself):

Oooooh! Ooh!!! I have a thing! I have the perfect thing!!!

No, Technical Analysis is Not a "Quantum Event" - Part 1
"I thought it couldn’t hurt to explain how practically every single thing he claims to believe about technical analysis, economics, physics, and science generally, is wrong." Post Rewards All Declined

No, Technical Analysis is Not a "Quantum Event" - Part 2
"Fear, greed, and insanity can all be found in this newest installment to our ongoing multi-part exploration as to why every single thing our resident "Elliott Wave Fanatic" bases his work upon is not even wrong, but rather, mere meaningless nonsense." Post Rewards All Declined

BURST/BTC: Price Might Do a Thing. Now Give Me $1,000.00.
"The “technical analysis” utilized by Steemit’s Elliot Wave Cult Leader is not technical and it’s not analysis." Post Rewards All Declined

Maybe he should take a time out of posting and put some work in on helping out some minnows. Just saying, spread some love already....

a very good post

Can you find it in your heart not to destroy my account please, i donot spam and read some misleading articles about you, forgive me for sharing my ignorant opinion please.Screenshot_20180307-132944.png
