Does anyone else have visions?
I don't mean thoughts. I mean real life, actual visions.
Psychology describes having a vision as:
Precognitive phenomena
Precognitive dreams are the most widely reported occurrences of precognition. Usually, a dream or vision can only be identified as precognitive after the putative event has taken place. (source)
According to Wikipedia, a Native American vision quest would be similar to this:
A vision quest is a rite of passage in some Native American cultures. It is usually only undertaken by young males entering adulthood.[1] Individual Indigenous cultures have their own names for their rites of passage. "Vision quest" is an English-language umbrella term, and may not always be accurate or used by the cultures in question.
Among Native American cultures who have this type of rite, it usually consists of a series of ceremonies led by Elders and supported by the young man's community.[1] The process includes a complete fast for four days and nights, alone at a sacred site in nature which is chosen by the Elders for this purpose.[1] Some communities have used the same sites for many generations. During this time, the young person prays and cries out to the spirits that they may have a vision, one that will help them find their purpose in life, their role in a community, and how they may best serve the People.[1] Dreams or visions may involve natural symbolism – such as animals or forces of nature – that require interpretation by Elders.[1] After their passage into adulthood, and guided by this experience, the young person may then become an apprentice or student of an adult who has mastered this role.[1]
Precognition is how most humans view a vision. Yet a vision does not always have to be of the future. Native Americans certainly knew this. You can have a vision of the distant past. You can have a vision of a very far away place. You can even have a vision in which you are literally seeing through the eyes of another existing being.
Many people believe this to be fake. Some claim to have visions and are just storytellers. Some truly have visions.
I have had visions as long as I have memory.
I am a very white man, that is not from any culture accepting of having visions unless it "comes from god". I've never been through a Native American vision quest, though I have been in a small handful of Native ceremonies. I have not sweated yet. I have been to two Yage ceremonies as an adult directed by a shaman in Colombia that is said to be direct line of "The old people in the forest.".
I was also in one ceremony in Indiana as a teen It was directed by a woman from the Potawatomi tribe in that region. It was not explained as "right of passage", yet I was at that age. It was nothing like that description from wikipedia, and was described to me as something much different. After that ceremony, I would go there occasionally to listen and learn from her and her husband. It was her that showed me that I do in fact have visions and can in fact connect to things that aren't widely accepted in the white world.
Her name was Lucy. She taught me so much about native American culture as a whole and I'm still ignorant. Her husbands name always escapes me yet his face and presence never does. It was their teachings that began to level me out as a child. I owe them much and have paid it in kind to many wandering souls.
They taught me of the shadow people that watch. And the little people that cause mischief.
They taught me of the gift of breath. Where and how to give that breath in ceremony. When I saw my shaman in Colombia, as an adult, give breath the exact way I was taught in Indiana when I was a teenager, I knew I was home. That I had found the line of shaman I was meant to learn from. A level of clarity had been reached and he saw it and brought me deeper into ceremony. He allowed me to, and taught me to, use some of his ceremonial tools.
Lucy and her husband also taught me of the gift of tobacco and copper when taking what medicine I find to use for myself. I still leave it today.
They taught me that humans often misinterpret genius, connection to unknown, and sometimes even valuable knowledge, as the ramblings of an insane person. That most people that ever did anything meaningful in the eyes of human, were thought to be insane by those around them till they pulled it off. That to be called this, felt or seen as this by others... was meaningless when I know who I am.
They taught me how to listen to things the white world didn't know was speaking. Rocks, plants, soil, animals, wind...
How to hear the stories that things were telling all around us.
That spirits can move in the fog and be lifted to their final place.
That bugs, animals and even crystals are called "people" by many native cultures and treated as such.
They taught me of my connection to this earth at that age.
Sometime after I had left home as an "adult" ready to roam the earth and learn all it had, I came back to visit them, gave them some quartz crystals that I had picked from a vug in Arkansas.
I'll never forget the one that Lucy's husband picked. It's formation was intense. I've since learned much more about crystals and their structure and would describe what I remember as a double terminated crystal slightly off center with no visible faces on the C axis. Meaning it had no shaft. People sometimes refer to this as a "beta quartz". Though I've been corrected that "beta quartz" is the name as its still molten, not as we see it today, in our hands.
During this visit Lucy tested me to see if I still knew how to listen to rocks.
Listen people. I'm tired of hiding because the world I've known doesn't understand.
Others have understood for thousands of years.
These things are real.
I can really hear the story a rock has by touching it. I don't have to be high and it's not a fucking gimmick. That day at Lucy's she was testing me because she knew some of the history of that rock. What I described to her was a first hand experience of what that rock went through before she found it. I knew nothing of that rock at all before she put it in my hand. She verified it having known that rocks history which i did not know until she taught me its history... which incidentally is how I proved to myself that i did indeed hear a fucking rock telling a story. This is very very real. it is not esoteric, it is knowledge that a real woman taught me that her culture has kept for millennia. Her name is Lucy, she lives in Hamilton, Indiana and it would be wonderful to see her again.
I have not shared this that much in my life. The world we are in is in such dis array that there is a definite communication gap between currently accepted reality and what was true for thousands of years and will be thousands after our manipulated idea of it is over. This gap leads to all sorts of misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
In the few occasions in my life that I've spoken about being able to hear rocks it always ends up as ridiculous humans wanting me to prove it like some parlor trick. It's not a parlor trick and that behavior is disrespectful. I'm not here to do parlor tricks. To many humans throughout time have done parlor tricks. I could care less. Yet I have gone ahead and pretended I'm a bear at the circus riding a fucking motorcycle and humored the mind of man on a few occasions. I'm always able to pull some knowledge about that rocks history that I could never have known prior that they can also verify somehow. Bits and pieces sometimes yes, a full story sometimes yes. It is real and I'm in no way special for being able.
Ok, I'm a human being that can actually listen to rocks. You either took off or are still reading.
What you dont know is that there are tons of other humans that can also listen to rocks. And that listening to rocks is nothing when compared to things that are not only possible but happening every single day all around you and you're just blind to it.
It's also not evil to talk to rocks. They tell a story for a reason. Not all rocks have much of a story to tell. Many have just sat for so long that there is just not a lot there to tell. Many have moved across oceans and have huge stories to tell.
Listening to rocks is "having a vision". Because the person next to you can't hear the rock say shit, only you can. You have to be in a state of consciousness. The same state you are in when in a vision, therefor... a vision.
But wait, the only visions I accept are those that tell the future!
Grow up.
We gravitate towards these types in our human states. These visions of the future. Mostly because we have word history for a long time back and can track people we today call prophets because of our interpretation of their words so long ago. Maybe that shit is a prediction, maybe that guy meant some complete other thing we dont have written account of. We don't know but we cling to it cause it must be proof of something.
Silly humans, tricks are for kids.
While "precognitive phenomena" may be the way we describe having a vision today, visions encompass sight. That sight can be nearly anything.
Have you seen things in your mind, a dream, a state, that are so real you can't forget for a lifetime? Things that came true? Things that showed history? Have you ever seen through the eyes of a real animal? Have you ever entered the mind of another person consciously, intentionally?
I have experienced all of these things since inception into this world and I'm pretty sick of hiding it.
I've been told by some natives that real visions are rare. That only shaman have them.
For me though, I've always just felt alone. Unable to speak of what I say from ridicule. Not the fear of ridicule but ridicule itself. Afraid someone would lock me up for what I see, or even know to be true. Because they actually have already.
I asked in the beginning if anyone else sees visions for a reason. Being locked up cause people think you're crazy is not fun. I know from personal experience. (well, ok i made some fun from it, after all those doctors are so blind its just to damn entertaining to fuck with them) Being ridiculed because you know things others can't see, let alone understand, is hard to handle. I also know this from personal experience.
So if you do have visions, it's likely that no one listens to you. It's likely that you feel alone most of the time. That you look out at humans and wonder how on earth that damn many of them are that damn blind. It's likely you've been ridiculed for your gift. Yes, its a fucking gift. You've likely been told you're just crazy or laughed at and blown off. I have as well. Since birth.
This message is for those of you that have been in the same place I've been my whole life. Unaccepted, mistreated or even abused because you cannot help but see these things when others don't.
My very first memory was a vision and I've had them ever since I have any memories at all. I know your pain and your fears. You are in no way alone, you're not crazy, you're simply tuned in. In fact, many native cultures around the world not only see you as perfectly sane... They would come to you for guidance to help them in their own lives.
This is called shaman. People are not automatically a shaman because they see visions. People are not a shaman because they say they are either. Lastly, people are not a shaman because they charge you way the hell to much to have a hallucinogenic experience at a fucking resort either. To use a Christian term here... this is actually blasphemy.
A shaman is a guide. Yet, if you're seeing visions, while you're not high or in a life or death situation, you're likely being called to be a shaman. A guide. I am a shaman. I am also a phychedellic shaman. Yes, if you're having a bad trip I can settle you. No, you can't fucking pay me several thousands of dollars for a retreat so I can feed you mushrooms you can find yourself at the nearest hippie. If you ask me for that I'll likely make fun of you no matter how broke I am.
If you're seeing visions, the things you see are meant to be shared. So share them! Fuck this world and it's uneducated beliefs against anything outside the physical. Fuck anyone attempting to convince people that as humans we are only capable of what we can see with our eyes, hear with our ears, taste with our mouth, feel with our skin, or smell with our nose. These people have chosen ignorance and fear as their guiding force and are operating at the lowest potential of human. ehem... we only use what percent of our brain?
Instead, share your visions. Yet, do your best to not assume their meaning. If you do, you'll likely end up more wrong than right. Some are really clear, most aren't. Meanings flow as the vision does. Those meanings are meant to be mysterious. It gets your other eye open. The meaning of a vision always becomes evident eventually. Sometimes they simply are not meant for you. So share them.
by Michael David
Co-founder of #thealliance and loyal since before the egg.
PIMP District@thealliance|The
Personal Projects:
@sneaky-ninja | @the-singularity | @block-soup
Have you read that book I recommended yet? An End to Upside Down Thinking by Mark Gober?
It might be a huge help and consolation to anyone who sees, hears, or otherwise senses things that others around them cannot. I am not gifted in this way, but I don't doubt that some others are. The problem being that there is almost no way for us common folk to determine the veracity of such things. And so we generally throw the baby out with the bath water. Because it's safer to disbelieve, than to believe in the wrong person.
No, not yet. I did put it away in my book folder to look at later.
Safer than believing the wrong person is a very real thing.
I personally have no trust for "psychics" or nearly anyone using a gift like that as a job, though do have fun fucking with them some and do understand the energy exchange well (some of them really do have something but like you insinuated, which one can you trust?). Its sort of like a prostitute. Why on earth would I ever have sex with one? I've known plenty. The ones I've known all perceive sex the same way... as a job. That is the most boring way anyone could ever look at sex. Like seriously, talk to a prostitute about sex sometime. The average paid guru is similar. If they really had something at one point, it's now a job. You can tell by how they are rich and you can find them easily online what their real focus is. A prostitute may know more positions than the next person yet for me it's ruined what sex is by stripping the passion from it and making it a task. Yet, for some it's exactly what they truly needed for some internal reason and they are potentially the reason my daughter didn't get raped on the way to school.
So I can't even call those people (psychics, people lining their pockets with the suffering, or desire for enlightenment, of others for their own gain) things like false profits or heretics or whatever other name. I don't trust them, or believe what they do is right, yet I also know they have purpose. Because I know that there are some people that actually do really need to be fooled by those people in that very way. I also know that the prostitutes of the world have learned things that none of the rest of us have. Things that I'm certain some of us could benefit from learning. All repetition is learning something.
Actually that reminds me of Gangubai Harjeevandas. Sold into prostitution slavery by her "boyfriend". Created a hell of a movement from what she learned.
Indeed. Stage psychics and others who do cold reading (or even warm reading) are total charlatans, and yet they serve a purpose for some people. They can help a grieving person feel better, or set someone's mind free of guilt, for example. But I find it very difficult to believe in them.
I did once visit a psychic that my mom fully believed in. But I still don't know if she was the "real deal" or not. She had about as many hits as misses. Doesn't matter, I suppose. I helped an old lady pay her rent, and she gave me some interesting nuggets to do with as I wished.
The learning part though...when you learn a lesson the hard way, I'd say most people want to help others avoid having to do the same. At least that's been my experience. The more people I can save from the horrors of disordered eating, the better. I'll never make a movement out of it, but I've definitely influenced a few lives for the better.
Now, let's try this again...
Exactly and in that realm... you are the guide to anyone listening and taking your advice. and since it comes from your person its the most meaningful.
yea psychics are mostly terrible lol. I helped a friend away from a predatory one once. I could not believe she could not see what this woman was doing, she would have taken so much more money from her and was setting her up for continued need of her "help". It was like, by the book. It was actually a carbon copy of something I saw in a tv show... I didn't really have to try to see it lol. so all i had too do was show her the show and she was able to see how obvious it was but it was so strange witnessing her not able to see it prior. Like there was some need or gap that hearing all her made up shit was filling
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