When All Hope is Lost
Losing hope feels like shit don't it?
We just covered that hope is a reverse manifestation yesterday. So you might be feeling like losing hope isn't real or something. Well, the contrary actually.
When you're hoping, you're already feeling like you won't or can't get something. Yet we are usually doing this when we are pretty bad off or missing something terribly.
However, what does it mean to lose it?
See, even when we are hoping, and not aligned with our desire, we have this thing we can do that we "hope" is working... called hope. We start to hope as we start to feel a need for something we don't have. If we are already hoping we have already exhausted whatever avenues we can think of (or were to lazy to) and hope has now become something of a last resort. As our hopes are not coming it gets to us a little bit more each time until we enter a belief of something similar to "our last resort doesnt work either". And down the spiral we go.
Pretty soon you get to this point when you feel like all hope is lost. Yet, most of the time all hope is not lost. Many even say that there is always hope. This of course isn't really true and meant to encourage. There is definitely a place a person can get to that there is literally no hope left. This, that I just described above though, is not that place. This is instead a place where you do indeed have hope, you just cant see it. I've been where there is no hope and I've been here both. When all hope is truly lost is a real place and is quite terrifying.
Having said that last part I will interject here and say that you are likely not in that spot nearly any time you feel as though you are. You are likely just caught in the spiral and see no way out. The average human response to actually having no hope left is death so it's a little easy to tell. I'm simply pointing out that this spot is real and you can definitely get there because I have been there and know for certain.
Now, that is not meant to scare. If you're a believer that there is always hope, I'm happy for your delusion. It's encouraging to hear. Keep it up. Yet, you're also wrong.
Here's where it gets fun though:
If you are a believer that there is always hope, you are likely to be in the rung of "strongest in the world" or "most impervious" because life's bullets seem to just wiz by you. I know, been there. The minute hope is gone, you're immediately scrambling for what tool to use and wont have one because you thought there would always be hope and poof, it's gone. I know, been there too.
When all hope is actually gone, nothing can prepare you, nothing will save you, nothing is left, and you can only act, or choose not to. To be able to act though takes something else.
See, as a believer that there is always hope, you're seemingly impervious because of your belief and never being faced with something outside of it. Once faced with something that truly dissipates that belief entirely, what could you possibly be left with?
You are left with I.
The realization of yourself, the very perception of your entity itself. Then you're posed the simple question "Who are you?".
If you know, you persist.
If you don't, you perish.
So... who are you?
Knowing yourself is all that will carry you past that point of no hope.
Having hope, and believing it is always there, will get you very far. Further than nearly anyone because you've cultivated a belief that you will always have hope. Even though hope itself is a reverse manifestation, you have told yourself that you will always have it. Thus effectively programming yourself to seemingly always have a way out, or at minimum something to cling to when the raft is sinking. Yet knowing yourself, who you really are, will actually save you when nothing else will. Most of you will never experience anything in life that lands you here.
How does this work?
It is perception of self that is the revelation of self. It is through your perception that you are here. This is literally your will stating to the universe the validity of your existence.
People say that sometimes it's the feeling of purpose that brings a person back from near death. This is pretty true, yet its missing the key aspect. Self. The purpose those people felt was their understanding of self. Their awareness and knowledge of who they are here on this plane. It's that awareness of self that creates us and keeps us here. Without first perceiving self, there is no anchor to this world.
When you truly don't care, not like the ever so popular "I don't give a fuck.", you're only path is perish. Yet, in humanity, this state is wildly rare with most stating they don't care actually caring deeply about a lot. When you care enough about your life to hope, you can surpass many obstacles that others seem to have issues with.
When you know yourself, actually know you, nothing sheltered or hidden from yourself, you will wake up after that point of no hope. Not having hope, having something stronger. The realization that your real inner strength, that you have been waiting for some deity or outer-self thing to deliver to you, was already there. Waiting for you to see it.
That it doesn't matter what your beliefs are of this universe. The most vile of person will also survive this way along side you...
that it's not a deity or hope that carries you on...
it's you.
When All Hope is Lost
by Michael David
Co-founder of #thealliance and loyal since before the egg.

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