News updates :- Github owners turns into billionaire

in #microsoft7 years ago (edited)

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GITHUB, yes we know is the best web site that provide Git repository hosting service and it is mostly used for computer code. github is one of that company that make millions of dollar per year. But few days back Microsoft had confirmed that they acquire all the share of the company by making the owners billionaire. Githud worth 7.5 billion dollars shares that the company had buy on Monday. The three founder of the company have become billionaire and own more share than the CEO and the president of Microsoft company.

Patience has paid off for the founders of GitHub after Microsoft Corp. agreed to pay $7.5 billion for the coding platform.The all-stock deal is equivalent to 73.8 million Microsoft shares, based on Monday’s closing price. About half of that should pass to GitHub’s three founders.
Each of them will receive 13.5 millions Microsoft shares if all three controls equal stack in Github. Having 0.16 percent of share holdings would give them ten times more shares than CEO Satya Nadella and around 14 times more shares than president Brad Smith and only Bill Gates is the only insider that hold more.

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