This is a story about an unforgettable New Year for my family. It happened when I was 11 year's old and New Year in the Philippines is often met with lots of fireworks, horn's tooting, speakers on full blast and other means to add cacophony to the noise.
One particular bad habit of Filipinos are firing weapons to add to the din of the noise. You'll hear it overcoming the clang of pots and the explosion of fireworks as you head bang, bang, bang of handguns and the rapid fire dhak, dhak, dhak of high powered rifles.
Shots fired in the air, not knowing where it will fall and whose lives will be forever changed by indiscriminate firing and irresponsible gun owner behaviour.
We are awakened to a scream emanating from my sister's room and we all rush to see what happened. We see here crying holding her foot. The smell of burnt flesh permeates in our nose and we expect the worse.
A hole in the ceiling confirmed our worst fear. A stray bullet fire by an irresponsible person has breached our roof and hit my sister.
My Pops nervously approached her and asked if there is a lot of blood. My sister wailing said that there was none but it really hurt and the area was hot. He looks to the bed to see the slug intact beside her foot, still smoldering.
I saw my Pops start to snicker and leave to get the first aid kit. I was amazed and saw though the whole thing funny because she was impervious to a bullet. We had already called her an Amazon before because of her strength but adding this feat she was downright a Wonderwoman.
A laugh escaped my mouth and she started screaming at me. I taunted her that she had such tough skin and I paid the price a few days later when she could run after me and bop me in the head.
Oh such is sibling love and concern haha.