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RE: Pokes head up, looks around,...

in #milk5 years ago

You know what I liked most about Web 1.0 ... people were the masters of the own destiny.

With Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 everyone is forced to bow to the social media platforms.

There was both more creativity and better content in Web 1.0. It was a more interesting time.


I missed it, I didn't get online until 2004, and thought I'd be famous, by now.😕

My first online experience was with CompuServe. Quite frankly, I have yet to come across any social media platform that competed with Compuserve.

That is probably because people had to access it with a dial up modem the forums self policed to minimize low quality content.

PS: I also used Usenet. Usenet didn't do the threading as well. So the discussions I followed kept getting destroyed by flame wars and spam.

Lol, those were the days,...
I remember CompuServe, my buddy had it.
He bought an apple before he knew IBM clones were gonna betamax him.