I think there's always going to be people who seek personal gain without thought of those they harm; History is full of it...Look at DeBeers and their blood diamond trade for instance...Anyway, here, in the digital world, it's not as easy to fly under the radar and bad behaviour can be clearly seen for what it is.
I believe it is up to the community to redress that behaviour, as it is doing, when it's revealed. By redress I mean brutally stamp it out.
Having said that I believe there is a way back for those who have acted poorly in the past. Redemption for wrongdoing is available and should be permitted by those of us (the community) who have been affected by those wrongdoings...The community at large.
I've used the word community here a few times and in reality it is a community we are involved in...No different to a community of cave-people. Imagine a cave-dude acting poorly within the caveman-community...(Eating all the sabre-tooth tiger whilst the other cave-dudes were sleeping)...They'd get clubbed to death or reprimanded in some way at least, maybe even eaten themselves...Here in Australia Aboriginal tribal law is still practiced in remote communities (spear to the leg etc.) I'm serious.
Steem isn't that brutal, we're a sophisticated, classy group of intelligent beings and have such traits as understanding and forgiveness...Right? (Maybe.)
As someone who has benefited from 100% downvotes over a period of a few months, on every post I made it would be easy to simple want to spear someone through the heart...However I'd rather see those that engage in poor and anti-community behaviour simply make an apology and get on with whatever the hell they wish to post, even if its nonsensical poetry, and get with the program for the benefit of the community and themselves. I'd be happy to welcome them back from redemption island and back into the fold...Provided the bullshit stops. I'm happy to give people one chance. One.
You may note I used the words benefited from 100% downvotes...I say that because during that period of getting DV'd so much the community rallied around me, supported me and helped keep my attitude on the up...That's community mofo's! That's what it's all about. It will not be forgotten.
P.s. I kind of agree with @bashadow also though...Sometimes change isn't possible...I don't know why...Maybe Sigmund Freud could tell us.
It takes time for change, one of the issues I have always had with the flags and professional flag groups, is that once they flag a person and that person gets on the mack-bot list everything they do is considered a steem block chain crime. I have seen countless comments that are valid and part of the real conversation down voted regardless of if it is spam, plagiarism, or what ever reason. Valid comments contributions being obscured because of a past mis-deed, kind of like going to jail for life because your third offense was you were starving and stole a slice of pizza.
We as a community are learning and growing, that is not happening with as many comments any more, so that segment of permanent punishment dealers have grown and learned, (I hope), about right and wrong and are more accommodating to those who are trying to change. It is a fine line, both parties need to be willing to change and address the issue.
Nicely put and very logical. I'm not as eloquent, or understanding of the blockchain* as yourself...I'm just a content creator that wanted to have a say. :)
I agree with you, here and in your previous comment of course too. I think there's a balance to be found and most of us find it.
I'm not sure I "understand" the block chain, I'm just opinionated at times. I like to read, look, and listen on steem block chain, I am a consumer, sometimes poster, and mostly just commenting what I like, and sometimes what I don't and when asked for an opinion, sometimes I need to be quiet.LoL.
Thank you for the kind comment.
You're welcome...We're all different but all need to live within the same community...I think it's possible, but it'll take a little effort from all of us. 😊
!ENGAGE 25 for you sir :)
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @bashadow you have received from @abh12345!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @galenkp you have received from @bashadow!
Hi Galen, thanks for lighting up my post with some valuable commentary :)
I do air on the side of giving people another go, but clearly they'd have to do more than just saying they will. I also understand azircon and people who have tried endlessly to discuss change which has fallen on deaf ears time and time again.
Spear to the leg though, damnn!
Hey mate, you're most welcome always happy to add my small voice to the dialogue.
I know these two characters have been given every chance to get with the program and have repeatedly refused to join the rest of us. It's a shame for them really, an opportunity lost, but as you say every chance has been given. People like that will fall by the wayside just as wheat is separated from the chaff.
We're never all going to agree on the way forward, however destructive behaviour is not going to produce the results we need and desire. They had their chance(s)...Time to disappear.
Oh yeah man, tribal law is brutal...Not that I know much about it really, but the old ways are still practiced sometimes in conflict with Australian law. I might do a post on it someday.
Thanks for your kind words and for responding. 🙂
More they engage in this kind of bad behavior, more cornered they become. These days our media tells us (I do not watch TV, full disclosure) there is no such thing call bad publicity, it is only publicity. I beg to differ. Just look what happened to @dobartim and @flysky. My friends tried and tried to get them to their senses; asked, literally begged them to engage with the community in a positive way. They said NO. When we took action with downvotes. They retaliated against not only the people who downvoted them but also to innocent and people we vote! Like Galen, Taraz and Asher here (and many others). They didn't change their ways.
Look where they are now. @dobartim who used to "make" 3 posts a day, do not have a paid post for more than a month! Do you still think there is no such thing called "bad publicity"?
One of the things they have real difficulty in understanding; there are some people here who is not here for money, but here for a social experiment. This concept is so foreign to them, they just can't comprehend. So for those people, who is not here for money, they have nothing to loose. If I take lesson from history, and use battlefield analogy, an enemy with nothing to loose, is something you should be afraid of @dobartim @flysky
PS: Also all the people who are still voting them (a particular Korean Circle) and they themselves essentially loosing all the earning form curation. Funny thing is they say they are "investor" and business people, LOL. They don't have a first damn clue of their loosing business. They are just running themselves to the ground. Its pitiful!
Also, just watch their stupidity of up-voting their comments! This is 10 minutes ago :). From a business point of view, what a waste of up-voting power! They don't even know they are not going to get anything out of it.
I agree @azircon, it seems some simply don't have the capacity for reason, and will dig their heels in no matter what; Even to the detriment of themselves. It defies logic really.
I don't agree with the there is no such thing as bad publicity statement, it's just something media and marketers make up to further their own needs. It is quite clear that bad publicity sticks like shit to a blanket here on steem, and smells just as bad for those engaging in it. And so it should.
I saw many attempts to turn that poor behaviour around, and the imploring nature of those attempts also, and yet...Nope, they're not going to play ball.
I used to get picked on (racially vilified) as a young kid a lot and it taught me many things...Not least of which was that bullies are unreasonable and quite often feel a lack of self-esteem and self-worth. I think that is the case here and why the retaliatory DV's spilled over to those who probably didn't deserve them...It was a bid for relevance...That was never going to come.
...Still, there is no action without reaction and in life we, as human beings, reap the harvest of that which we sow.
Also; all this is good, but people must earn their lunch in steem :)
So please all the good ladies and gentlemen here please get to work with your mouse on this post:
Because we have to heal some comments, and my fingers are tired and I am going to get a bourbon!
Below are @dobartim's latest downvotes on all comments, I didn't catch them all
Thanks for the effort here, it's a real shame they have not considered how this would benefit them and Steem as a whole.
The social experiment continues :)
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine. @azircon you have received from @abh12345!