Morning Insights from a Good Read

I pointed out previously that procrastination may have something to do with the holdup in producing new Steemit content but I think some of the thoughts shared in this interview may also be strongly relevant. This section particularly resonates with me and points out that I may need to start gaining more comfort with "being hit":

“Battles require courage. You cannot go to war while being assured that nothing dire will befall you. That’s the reality; there’s no way to mitigate the risk. Now, you don’t have to be a frivolous martyr! You could be strategic as to when to intervene, when not to intervene, how to frame it. In that sense, you can be strategic. But there’s no avoiding it.

If you were wondering if there is anything at all that could “trigger” Gad Saad, he told me what it was, and it related directly to my question of how to get involved in the culture war. “I get quite offended at the endless number of messages I receive from people from around the world saying, ‘I really want to contribute, but I don’t want my name to be available, I don’t want anybody to know.’ So you want to punch the Nazis, but you don’t want them to fight back, you don’t want them to hit you, you want the guaranteed win. It doesn’t happen!”