Meet the seven models millionaires who triumphed after 30 years

in #millionaires9 years ago

In this photo report the site presents seven cases of amazing entrepreneurs who at 30 years old could not even imagine that would become billionaires. And they achieved thanks to the creation of the most important companies in the world.

Jack Dorsey - Twitter cofounded 30 years. Although today seem a sophisticated businessman, it tells that the twentysomething Jack Dorsey was a punk moving skateboarding. His first company, which he founded when he was still a student at New York University, was a taxi shipment program. After that he went to Ev Williams with the idea of ​​creating an instant messaging service. A Williams loved the concept and joined Dorsey, Biz Stone and Noah Glass. I had just turned thirty.

Tim Westergren - Pandora cofounded 35 years. Before founding Pandora, Westergren was a failed musician, composer part-time caregiver for children and hippy. Pandora was her first business project, not started functioning as online radio channel until he was thirty-five years; actually it started as a hardware company that allowed businesses to play music. The company brushed bankruptcy in the first two years of life, so Westergern had to convince his fifty employees to work for free all the time.

Jan Koum - co-founded WhatsApp to 33 years. WhatsApp Koum incoporated on his 33rd birthday. Before that he had left the race at the San Jose State College. After that he started working at Yahoo, where he met Brian Acton, who years later would become its co-founder. After nine years working at the company tried to accept him on Facebook, but he refused.

Jack Ma - he founded Alibaba in 35 years. Who now has a fortune of 23,300 million dollars thirties was considered a failure. In an interview Mr. Ma revealed that suspended three times the entrance examination to college, and was then rejected some thirty jobs. A thirty-one founded his first Internet company, called 'China Yellow Pages, "which in its first three years of life billed about $ 800,000. At thirty-five he founded Alibaba, which did not have a penny of profit during the first three years. The rest is history.

Ben Horowitz - co-founded Loudcloud to 33 years. Ben graduated from UCLA in 1988, and after jumping from job to job for seven years, twenty-nine he joined Netscape as the first Head of Product. The company was sold in 1999 and joined Horowitz Marc Andreessen (founder) to launch Loudcloud. Ben was thirty-three years. The early years of the company were marked by the proximity to bankruptcy. When Ben Horowitz had forty-one years Loudcloud was purchased by 1,600 million dollars.

Sam Walton - WalMart, 44 years. In 1945, before creating WalMart, Sam Walton asked for a loan of $ 20,000 (which today would be 250,000) and his stepfather bought a franchise establishment Ben Franklin variety store. Three years later he bought another store Walton Ben Franklin. In 1945, when Walton was forty-four and several difficult years as an entrepreneur on his back, he opened the first Wal-Mart.

Peter Thiel - PayPal, 30 years. Before founding PayPal Peter Thiel was only a lawyer who hated her job. After graduating in law at Stanford in 1992, he began practicing in a law firm in Manhattan that in its own words, 'was the typical place where all outsiders want to work, but that all those inside want to leave' . He left seven months later and was hired at Credit Suisse, where he lasted three years. After he founded Paypal, a company that was acquired by eBay four years later for $ 1,500 million. Well played.