"Steemians" Should Join the #MillionMaskMarch on November 5th, 2016!
(Boston Federal Reserve Branch, Million Mask March 2015)
If you believe there is nothing wrong in this world then this post is not for you. If you think there exists many great injustices that deserve attention, and need awareness brought to them, then this post is for you. The idea is, on November 5th, we want to remind the public that we the people need to have a little chat about the society we are allowing ourselves to take part in. The Government only exists to represent our social contract with elected officials to do our bidding as a collective entity. However, on November 5th, we ask that everyone take a look, and ask yourself, is this the Government and the World we want or can we do better? If your answer is "we can do better" than stand beside me on November 5th, and we shall remind the world together, that apathy and failure shall be tolerated no longer. Show the world that you have the courage and conviction to stand in front of your peers and tell them how you actually feel about society, and the changes you wish to see in the world.
Whatever your message is, if you ever want to see that society that you blog about and read about and dream about, then it is on you to come out and tell people about it. You are never going to reach the mainstream people that need to hear your message from behind a keyboard. The average person is never going to hear about "Steemit" for example if you just write blogs on steemit, or pass the information around to people within your nice little corner of the internet. The people that really need to be woken up, are the people that are never going to type "steemit" for example into a search bar, therefore will never come across this little community on here. If you want to reach out, break through paradigms that have existed forever you need to speak out in person.
Creating a Critical Mass Awakening
(Boston Eric Garner Protest)
When attaining my Political Science degree at Roanoke College, I learned a term called "Critical Mass Awakening" when referencing awakening the population in my Mass Media and American Politics Class. This class taught me everything I would ever need to know about the "Television News", which was in the 1970's they decided to start reporting what people would tune in to hear, and not the news. Reporting the actual "Hard News" as it was defined was losing the networks money. However, when they started running "soft news" and sensational stories, they started to make a profit off the news channel. Once that happened, it never reversed, the "News" became profitable and ratings become more important than the truth. 24 hour news was created and it became far less about what was being reported, but about what wasn't being reported. Since then it has become the duty of the independent journalist to carry the flag of journalism forward to speak truth to power and report the "hard news". The important thing is, that the truth has to reach a critical mass of people, roughly 5% of the population for it to eventually be heard by the other 95% of the population. If less than a "critical mass" is exposed to information, than it often is not noticed or heard of by the mainstream public. In America with an estimated Population of roughly 320 Million, that means you have to reach 16 million people. Getting a message out about any extremely important political topic to 16 Million people is very difficult to do online or through entertainment without lots of money. However, it can be done more effectively and without any cost, by protesting, if everyone were to March in their own cities, and we add up how many people in each city saw us during the day, we could easily hit that number and create a critical mass awakening that we need. So people will have a discussion about the need to protect freedom of speech and the need to change the current system before the system implodes and take us with it.
Anyone can Come to the Million Mask March
It is not just for "Anonymous", the Million Mask March is for everyone. Here is all you need to know to join:
- The event is entirely peaceful.
- You DO NOT Need a Mask!
- Anonymous is just an idea that knowledge is free, not a group, there is no member card lolz.
- Anonymous is not Unanimous, but we are one and divided by none, so you support everyone's right to say what they want even if you disagree with it.
- It is on November 5th every year. Because November 5th is Guy Fawkes Day. See the Movie V for Vendetta.
Protest Photos
All Film & Photos in this Post are My Original Work
Million Mask March 2014 - State Capitol - Boston, MA
Eric Garner Protest 2014 - Boston, MA
Eric Garner Protest 2014 - Boston, MA
Million Mask March 2015 - Boston Docks (Heading to Courthouse)
Million Mask March 2015 - Boston MA
Million Mask March 2015 - Boston Federal Reserve Branch
Million Mask March 2015 - Boston Federal Reserve - Cop Threatens us with Arrest for Using Bullhorn
My Film to Promote the Million Mask March Boston
Thanks for reading my blog post and watching my video! Don't forget to vote and follow me @TitusFrost for more hard hitting and sometimes just for fun posts!
You can also connect with me on:
- Twitter: @ImperatorTruth
- FedBook: "The Lost Truth"
- Minds.com: "TitusFrost"
- YouTube: "Titus Frost"
- My Published Book: "The Lost Truth"
Remember Remember... Thank you for this! Upvoted. I will be joining but in London.
Awesome, remember remember I will be making a follow up documentary on the Million Mask March so any photos you take or video, if they fit the criteria I am looking for could be included in my film. Just send it my way! Peace and have fun!