Four easy-to-implement habits to enrich the mind

in #mind7 years ago

We own our minds. It is ours to keep, nourish, and improve. However, not many of us take the time to check who and what we are putting in it. Much like our bodies, we must also cultivate habits solely for our minds. Here are four easy-to-implement habits solely for our minds’ enrichment:

1. Clean up social media feeds

Some argue that it gets harder and harder to get off social media these days. While it’s not easy to pull up stakes and leave our respective virtual villages, we can still control who and what it contains. There’s always the option to unfollow people and pages especially if they suck up good vibes.

2. Have a social media free day

Some people implement what they call social media Shabbat or social media-free weekends. This will be a great idea especially for many who can’t just deactivate or abandon social media forever. One or two days without checking won’t hurt. Soon, FOMO or fear of missing out won’t be as fearful as it is assumed to be.

3. Declutter physical spaces.

Physical spaces matter as much as virtual environments. It’s not always easy to keep things tidy, but as they say, we can always start little. Fix the desk tonight; reorganize the shelf tomorrow; put clothes into toss, keep, or donate baskets on weekends. Soon, the physical space becomes more refreshing and more relaxing; it rests the mind.

4. Unload and act

It is said that the mind should be used for learning not storing. We can put out thoughts on paper, turn the implicit into something explicit and tangible, and act on it. This way, we won’t forget important thoughts or bury negative ones only to haunt us later. This way, we also have more room to break down, process, and understand thoughts that need our utmost attention.

Our minds can determine how we lead our lives. Unlike our bodies, we can’t see the improvement or the deterioration that our minds have to undergo as a result of our habits, and it is for this very reason that we must make it an obligation to ensure that our minds get the care it deserves.


But social media is life!