Mind Control in American Politics

in #mindcontrol8 years ago

Boiling Frogs.com


The truth is if you don't want to know truth don't watch this video!

Sadly it is apparent that the American people have an enemy that seeks to divide and conquer them. The tactics being used are military in origin. While I don't know that the military is behind it I do know that the military's of the world attack and kill civilians all the time. In this way do the mind control (governments) of the world murder innocent people. If you think about it first they steal your money and then they use that money to murder.

Most people don't even know that the use of their taxes to promote death and destruction is against international law. Most people don't know that they can refuse to pay taxes until their respective governments stop breaking international human rights laws.

When will people decide to stop being a frog?

The awesome thing is that people all over the world are waking up in truly staggering numbers. Apparently it takes a kiss from the dark prince of mind control to turn the boiling frogs back into human beings.

ALOHA I hope this post is taken as love!!!


Very interesting topic... but I think you could have explained more ;)

if you want more details , this is one of a very useful video , Full of information
please check it out , and if you don't mind you can give me a feed Back :)

I got through the first 6 minutes until it devolved into a sexist lecture somehow trying to tie the influence of women over their men into the obedience of slaves . . then it occurred to me he had left the entire LGBT community unaccounted for, and I stopped watching :)

The only division I noticed was that of the slave vs the master. It wasn't about political ideologies, but about freedom for all. In that way all communities are included and not just the LGBT.

I did note that I only made it to the 6 minute mark, perhaps you have to watch the whole thing :)

he mentioned the story of the history plus he mentioned the genders not behaviors
This video one of the awaking video for our country I wish a lot of people can watch it to the end !!

I like your video as it explains more in depth as to how slavery is accomplished. The video below is designed to wake the sleepers. Your comment was so on point and add more value to my post. Thanks a lot.

I wa not sure what else to explain??? This post is my daily attempt at informing others about what is going on. In my mind the problem is that too much and they turn off. To little sometimes causes curiosity and the results can amount to that popping sound that we hear when we are pulling our head out of our rear ends.

Then you shouldn't have picked this topic buddy :D

I wish more Americans wake up , and stop feeding the system
please check my comment on this post

You will find my reply on your comment. I followed you as I think we have more in common as far as how we think. Thanks again for commenting on my post.

You are certainly correct about the "divide and control" tactics, everything from Black Lives Matter (Soros funded), to the political circus with paid protesters, and ever more militarized police force who are happy to use the tension to justify increasingly brutal tactics. A divided populous is unable to mount a serious challenge to the State, just the way "they" like it.

What you say is true, but another truth is the more violent they get the more we hear the popping sound that signifies that someone new has pulled their head out of their ass. lol

Hehe, I do sincerely hope you are right mate! :)

I have been watching people wake up for quite some time now and the truth is the criminals are just like little kids. Just as kids can't keep their hands out of the cookie jar mind control (governments) can't stop stealing from their own people. As it becomes more obvious the people who thought what they were doing was honorable realize it's not and get out. Increasingly the only people who are employable are the criminals. Thus as more people wake up more stealing has to happen in order for mind control to keep on working. That has the effect of waking more people up. It is a vicious cycle that leads to things like the french revolution.