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RE: InnerBliss Makes Generosity Easier - Believe In Giving

in #mindfullife6 years ago

This is such a beautiful Post. I believe it it is in our nature to be generous and kind, but life has taught us other things and we have put up These Walls of resistance. Some of these walls go under the name of greed and selfishness and lack of trust, believing that one will be taken advantage of. However the reverse is true as the more generous and kind you are the more comes back at you. Giving and receiving and giving and receiving is part of the natural way of the universe and we must allow for it in our own lives. I absolutely loved reading this thank you for this beautiful thought today xx

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absolutely. For is not giving our true nature? That abundance is nature’s Nature. Within us lay a place where the desires of the Divine may move through us, where we feel aligned. In tune with the Pulse of Source. When we do, these natural feelings arise of the desire to give, to allow ourselves to be received. For in the end, there truly is no separation, when we give to another, we give to ourself. Xx